From: Maeghan Sandberg

Sent: Mon Aug 15 10:20:48 2016

To: Gerald Fisher

Cc: Dan Huff

Subject: FW: Finals weekend

Importance: Normal


Below is the only response I've received from the BMX people - "Sorry".

Nothing indicating they intend on submitting an event permit or otherwise.



Not sure what the appropriate action is from this point... thoughts?


Maeghan Sandberg

Parks Administration

p. 503-759-0223

f. 503-829-3676

-----Original Message-----

From: Molalla River BMX Track []

Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 6:06 PM

To: Maeghan Sandberg <>

Subject: Re: Finals weekend




> On Aug 10, 2016, at 11:09 AM, Maeghan Sandberg

<> wrote:


> Kim,


> I have not received the completed Special Event Permit as required for

> such an event by the City. We had discussed this before. This would be


> proper channel to request these items.


> The bathrooms auto-lock at 9 pm. The public works director would need to

> approve any alternate arrangements via the Special Event Permit. I have

> confirmed with him that the City will not be altering the auto-lock

> schedule. We have evidence of continued activity of propping the door


> and signs posted instructing people to do so, against the City's


> instruction (see attached photo taken 08/08/16). I would assume you are

> bringing in portable toilets for your event; I'm sure those toilets


> satisfy the needs of your overnight guests. You might also consider


> a portable toilet there during your regular season for those who need it

> after the City bathrooms lock.


> We have no bleachers in our possession to use.


> At this time I cannot grant anything further until the Special Event

> Permit is submitted. It might be in your best interest to make an

> appointment with Gerald Fisher, our public works director, to discuss

> matters further.


> Maeghan Sandberg

> Parks Administration

> p. 503-759-0223

> f. 503-829-3676



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Molalla River BMX Track []

> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 10:11 AM

> To: Maeghan Sandberg <>

> Subject: Finals weekend


> Hi Maeghan.

> Couple of things...did you ever locate the other set of aluminum

> bleachers? Last I heard, they were used at Hutchins airfield(remote


> field)


> Can we have the bathroom doors 'not auto lock' on Fri 8/19 & Sat 8/20.

> We will have several overnight visitors.


> Thank you.

> Kim

> <special_event_permit.pdf>

> <Event Site Owner Approval.pdf>

> <2016080895092608.jpg>