From: Gerald Fisher

Sent: Fri Apr 14 14:20:55 2017

To: R Quigley

Cc: S Major; A Speakman

Subject: RE: Taurus St. Pump Station

Importance: Normal


Thanks Ryan. I will review with my maintenance staff and see which will work best for us. Will likely not get into this upcoming budget but is an option in FY 18-19 budget.


Gerald Fisher, P.E. | Public Works Director

City of Molalla

117 N Molalla Ave. | PO Box 248 |Molalla, OR 97038

Office: 503.829.6855 | Direct: 503.759.0218

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From: R Quigley []

Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2017 2:22 PM

To: Gerald Fisher <> ( <>

Cc: S Major <>; A Speakman <>

Subject: Taurus St. Pump Station

Good afternoon Gerald,

Please find the attached cost estimates for the replacement of the Taurus Street Pump Station. The estimates includes the following three options:

1) Submersible Pump System (no building) – The existing Hydronix pumps and enclosure will be removed and replaced with a duplex submersible pump system. The submersible pumps will be installed in the existing wet well with the disconnect and control panel installed at finished grade, near the wet well. The control panel will be rated for exterior installation and will be tamper proof, however, it will be visible. Also note that installing an submersible pump system will require significant site work (sidewalk, street, storm drainage improvements) in the area to accommodate the control panel and the effluent pipe and valve vault.

2) Submersible Pump System with control building – This option is the same as Option No. 1, but the control panel will be installed in a 9’ x 10’ fiberglass building. Some additional coordination with the City will need to be done prior to selecting this option to determine if the building will fit and be allowed within the existing utility easement. There are also site distance issues to consider with installing this building adjacent to the intersection.

3) Self-Priming Pump System – The existing pumps and enclosure will be removed and replaced with a similar Hydronix Duplex Self Priming Pump Station. The new pumps and enclosure will be installed over the existing wet well, with the same foot print as the existing. The new enclosure will include improved insulation to help reduce sound.

All three options include necessary bypass pumping. Due to the length of the existing force main, a temporary pump tied to the existing force main will be necessary. We have also included a cost to connect the pump station control and monitoring to the WWTP SCADA system. Please review the cost estimates and let us know if you have any questions.



Ryan Quigley, P.E.

The Dyer Partnership

Engineers & Planners, Inc.

1165 S. Park St.

Lebanon, OR 97355

(541) 405-4520 – Office

(541) 451-0089 – Cell