From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
Sent: Tue Oct 03 17:30:51 2017
To: Susan Hansen
Subject: response to PRRHansen5353
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Molalla - MAO Follow-up; RE: Molalla - MAO Follow-up; dc7-25-2017notes.pdf; tyb7-25-2017notes.pdf; Hello Susan I apologize for the delayed response. The following is your original request and my response. Attention Tiffany Yelton-Bram Requesting: 1. A copy of Molalla's most recent response to DEQ's most recent draft MAO. Your public records request was filed on 8/30/2017. The version of the MAO from Molalla to DEQ is in the attached email. 2. DEQ's August 14 letter to Molalla: DEQ's response regarding Molalla's most recent MAO proposal. The city posted our letter and the MAO draft we sent to them on August 14th on their website. The email I sent them is also attached here. Our letter asked for a response by August 28th. They replied with a request to meet in order to share information related to Turbidity and their plan to have a consultant do an immediate assessment of the current treatment plant’s capacity. DEQ agreed to hearing the new information about current status of the plant prior to exchanging another set of draft of MAOs. Our meeting with Molalla will be 3. All notes taken and any reports filed by Nina DeConcini, Tiffany Yelton-Bram and Jeff Bachman generated by the July 25 meeting between DEQ and Molalla. Also please provide a copy of any agenda connected to said meeting if such an agenda was used at the July 25 meeting. There was no formal agenda for the July 25th meeting at Ring Bender. The purpose was to have them walk through the draft MAO that they proposed and that is documented in the first email attached to this email. Nina did not take notes during the meeting and neither did Jeff Bachman. David Cole and I did and our notes are attached. Tiffany Yelton Bram WQ Source Control Manager Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600 Portland OR 97232 Desk 503 229 5219 Mobile 503 975 0046 DEQ has a new website! Please update your bookmarks and check out the new site here: