From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Wed Jan 31 21:43:16 2018

To: RecordsRequest

Cc:; Richard Whitman;; DECONCINI Nina

Subject: RE: Thank you for contacting DEQ.

Importance: Normal


DEQ public records dept.,


You now have to respond whether or not you have records responsive in five working days, instead of the 15 noted below in your return message. Perhaps this message should be changed since it is no longer correct?


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Thu, 1 Feb 2018 05:34:32 +0000

> To:

> Subject: Thank you for contacting DEQ.


> Thank you for your public record request. DEQ is currently working to

> determine whether we are in possession of the records you requested and

> will follow up with you as soon as possible, but in no case later than 15

> business days after receiving your request.


> DEQ will provide copies of requested public records for which the agency

> does not claim an exemption from disclosure, as soon as possible. DEQ is

> permitted to charge fees for costs associated with providing records. For

> more information regarding requests, including the current fee schedule,

> please see DEQ’s Frequently Asked

> Questions<>.


> Thank you,

> Oregon DEQ