From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Fri Apr 03 16:58:59 2015



Subject: RE: Response to your public Records Request

Importance: Normal


Thanks Tiffany, I'll fill out the PIR as I am very interested to see how this was classified. Susan


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 23:48:00 +0000

> To:

> Subject: RE: Response to your public Records Request


> Hello Susan

> When we renew a permit we decide whether we need to update a wastewater

> treatment system classification work sheet. The work sheet walks the

> permit writer through an assignment of points for specific aspects of

> treatment and collection system.

> If you would like to see a copy of the current classification work sheet,

> please fill out a public records request and we will provide a copy.

> Tiffany



> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



> -------- Original message --------

> From: Susan Hansen

> Date:04/03/2015 4:12 PM (GMT-08:00)

> To: Susan Hansen ,YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


> Subject: RE: Response to your public Records Request


> Dear Tiffany,


> Could you please answer my below question about where Molalla currently

> stands on the point system? How often are these points added up and is

> there a master sheet on the current number of points Molalla has? Thanks,

> Susan


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 14:56:25 -0800

> To:,

> Subject: RE: Response to your public Records Request


> Hi, I just saw the point system but obviously can't do those numbers

> myself. Is there a link to how Molalla's points come out to designate

> what level their system is currently posted at? Susan




> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 14:50:39 -0800

> To:

> Subject: RE: Response to your public Records Request


> Thanks Tiffany,


> Could you remind me of what rules kick in to make a plant like Molalla's

> reach a new level of compliance? Is it gauged by number of users

> (residents, businesses) or volume of sewage that needs to be processed?

> Thanks, Susan



> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Thu, 2 Apr 2015 21:46:10 +0000

> To:

> Subject: Response to your public Records Request



> Hello Susan


> Attached is the current Designation of Supervising System Operator form.

> This form is filled out by the owner or authorized representative of the

> owner to inform DEQ of the operator that is the Supervisor, to show

> compliance with OAR 340-046-0015 (5) (see link below to the rules).








> From Molalla’s NPDES permit, in the front page, we know that the

> collection system was rated a II (roman numerals) and the treatment

> systems a III. The attached form shows that the city have operators

> certified at these levels.




> A quick note on our classification system: our classifications go from I

> up to IV; IV being the most complex wastewater treatment collection and

> treatment systems. An operator certified at level III for treatment

> plants can operate a plant classified as a level III.




> Tiffany Yelton Bram


> WQ Source Control Manager


> Oregon Department of Environmental Quality


> 2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150


> Portland OR 97201




> Desk 503 229 5219


> Mobile 503 975 0046




> This spring, DEQ's Northwest Region Office will be moving to a new

> location - the 700 Lloyd Building at 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600,

> Portland, OR 97232. The target date for operating at the new location is

> May 26th, 2015.














> From: Susan Hansen []

> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:39 PM

> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

> Subject: RE: Rule on wastewater plant operators




> I thought it has to be level 11?






> -----Original Message-----

> From:


> Sent: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 22:35:12 +0000

> To:<>

> Subject: RE: Rule on wastewater plant operators


> Molalla has a new wastewater treatment plant operator certified at level

> III.




> From: Susan Hansen []

> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 3:30 PM

> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


> Subject: RE: Rule on wastewater plant operators




> Tiffany, I know a waste water plant operator Jon Patrick quit a few

> months ago. Is he the person who has the Class 11 and is he overseeing on

> a part time basis or do they have a full time person running that plant

> with a class 11 license? Susan






> -----Original Message-----

> From:


> Sent: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 22:10:15 +0000

> To:<>

> Subject: RE: Rule on wastewater plant operators


> Susan--


> The front page of the NPDES permit shows the classification of the

> wastewater treatment plant and, separately, the collection system. The

> certification level of the operator has to meet the classification level

> of the treatment plant or collection system. For Molalla, the wastewater

> treatment plant needs at least one certified operator at level III and

> the collection system needs at least one operator at level II.




> The city sends us documentation, called a designated operator form, that

> they have operators that are certified at these levels. They have

> operators that are certified at the appropriate levels currently. Copies

> can be provided if you do a public records request.




> I cannot answer your question about the advertisement. You should ask

> the city.


> Tiffany




> From: Susan Hansen []

> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 2:47 PM

> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


> Subject: RE: Rule on wastewater plant operators




> Thanks Tiffany. What is the status at this moment of Molalla on the waste

> water plant supervision - I just talked to a person who claimed he is in

> charge but has only a Class 111 license. What kind of license does

> Molalla need to supervise its waste water plant operations? The person

> with the Class 111 on the phone claimed this ad is for the drinking water

> plant - is that true and is Class 111 suitable for the wastewater plant.

> Is this ad for the drinking water plant:


> Molalla - Water Plant Operator

> Water Plant Operator – City of Molalla, Population 8,800. Salary Range

> $4,083 - $5,008/mo. DOQ plus an excellent benefit package. This position

> will assist the Public Works Director with planning, supervising and

> scheduling the daily activities and operations of the Water Treatment

> Plant for the City of Molalla. State recognized Level II water treatment

> certificate and ability to serves as the DRC for water treatment

> required. A job description and employment application are available in

> person from City Hall at 117 N. Molalla Avenue, Molalla, OR 97038 or via

> the City Website at<>.

> The City of Molalla is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Open until filled.

> **Posted 2/6/15**

> **Reposted 3/10/15**






> -----Original Message-----

> From:


> Sent: Tue, 31 Mar 2015 20:47:10 +0000

> To:<>

> Subject: RE: Rule on wastewater plant operators


> Hello Susan


> Here is a link to our Wastewater Operator Certification page on our

> website, specifically the statute and rules.



> This section of rule below is germane to your questions.


> 340-049-0015


> General Requirements


> (1) Each owner of a wastewater system with an Average Dry Weather Flow

> (ADWF) of 0.075 MGD (75,000 gallons per day) or greater design capacity

> must have its system supervised full-time by one or more operators who

> hold a valid certificate for the type of system, wastewater treatment or

> wastewater collection, and at a grade equal to or greater than the

> wastewater system classification as defined in OAR-340-049-0020 and

> 340-049-0025.


> (2) Any wastewater treatment system or wastewater collection system owner

> with a system having more than one daily shift must have its shift

> supervisor, if any, certified at no more than one grade lower than the

> wastewater system classification. The system owner is not required to

> have a shift supervisor if another properly certified operator is

> available to supervise operation of the system.


> (3) Each owner of a wastewater system with an ADWF less than 0.075 MGD

> (75,000 gallons per day) design capacity must have its system supervised

> on a part-time or full-time basis by one or more operators who hold a

> valid certificate for the type of system, wastewater treatment or

> wastewater collection, and at a grade equal to or greater than the

> wastewater system classification.


> (4) These rules shall not apply to owners of subsurface sewage disposal

> systems as defined under ORS 454.605 and installed or constructed under a

> permit in accordance with 454.655. Based on complexity of the wastewater

> system, the Department may require an owner of a NPDES or WPCF permitted

> wastewater system using subsurface sewage disposal with a ADWF greater

> 0.0025 MGD (2,500 gallons per day) to have its system supervised by one

> or more operators certified in accordance with these rules.


> (5) Each wastewater treatment and wastewater collection system owner must

> notify the Department in writing of the name of all operators, including

> shift supervisors, if any, delegated authority by the owner to supervise

> the operation of its system in accordance with these rules. The written

> notice must be filed with the Department's Water Quality Division,

> Operator Certification Program, and include the operator's certificate

> type, grade, and expiration date.


> (6) The system supervisor or shift supervisor is not required to be on

> site at all times. The system supervisor must be available to the

> wastewater system owner and to any other operator, and able to

> immediately respond on site. A shift supervisor must be available and

> able to immediately respond on site during an assigned shift.


> (7) An operator holding a valid Grade I Provisional wastewater treatment

> or wastewater collection certificate may be designated by a system owner

> to supervise the operation of a Class I wastewater treatment or

> wastewater collection system respectively.


> (8) The wastewater system owner may re-designate or replace designated

> operators responsible for supervising system operation with other

> properly certified operators at any time and must notify the Department

> in writing within 30 days of replacement or re-designation of operators.


> (9) A wastewater treatment or wastewater collection system may not be

> without an operator as required in Sections (1) or (3) of this rule for

> more than 30 days. During this period, the system owner must ensure an

> operator is certified for the type of system at no more than one grade

> lower than the system classification, and is available to the system

> owner and to any other operator. This operator must also be delegated

> authority by the system owner to supervise the operation of the system.


> (10) When compliance with requirements in Sections (1) or (3) of this

> rule is not possible or practicable because the system supervisor is not

> available or the position is vacated unexpectedly, and another certified

> operator is not qualified to assume supervisory responsibility, the

> Director may grant a time extension for compliance with the requirements

> in response to a written request from the system owner. The Director will

> not grant an extension longer than 120 days unless the system owner

> documents the existence of extraordinary circumstances.


> (a) The request must justify the need for the time extension and include

> at least the following:


> (A) The date the system supervisor position or availability was or will

> be vacated;


> (B) A time schedule to recruit, hire, or otherwise make available and

> designate another qualified operator; and


> (C) The name of an interim supervisor and the supervisor's certificate

> type, grade and expiration date.


> (b) Any time extension granted will be conditioned on a time schedule for

> the system owner to obtain the services of a qualified operator to

> supervise the wastewater system in accordance with these rules, and may

> be revoked if the system is operated in violation of a NPDES or WPCF

> permit limit or ORS 468B.025.


> (11) For contract operations as defined in OAR 340-049-0010(5), the

> system owner must have and maintain a written contract on file and, upon

> request by the Department, must provide a copy of contract provisions for

> supervising the operation of its system for Department review. Contracts

> for part-time system supervision allowed under Section 3 of this rule

> must meet all requirements in 340-049-0070.


> Stat. Auth.: ORS 448.410, 468.020 & 468B.030

> Stats. Implemented: ORS 448.405 - 448.430, 448.992, 468B.010 - 468B.020,

> 468B.030 & 468B.050

> Hist.: DEQ 4-1988(Temp), f. & cert. ef. 1-29-88; DEQ 23-1988, f. & cert.

> ef. 9-15-88; DEQ 15-2002, f. & cert. ef. 10-16-02; DEQ 2-2013, f.

> 1-28-13, cert. ef. 3-1-13


> Let me know if you have further questions.


> Tiffany






> Tiffany Yelton Bram


> WQ Source Control Manager


> Oregon Department of Environmental Quality


> 2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150


> Portland OR 97201




> Desk 503 229 5219


> Mobile 503 975 0046




> This spring, DEQ's Northwest Region Office will be moving to a new

> location - the 700 Lloyd Building at 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600,

> Portland, OR 97232. The target date for operating at the new location is

> May 26th, 2015.










> From: Susan Hansen []

> Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2015 1:28 PM

> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


> Subject: Rule on wastewater plant operators




> Hi Tiffany,


> Is there a law/rule about how long a city can go without a wastewater

> plant operator? What ways are permissible for cities to fill in until

> they find a person to hire with the correct credentials? Can you direct

> me to or send the rules about this issue?


> Thanks,

> Susan Hansen

> Bear Creek Recovery