From: SEVEN Jenni

Sent: Fri Mar 23 11:15:13 2018

To: 'Susan Hansen';; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; DECONCINI Nina

Subject: RE: publicRecordsFeeWaiver-1.pdf

Importance: Normal


Ms. Hansen,


I apologize for any confusion. I am new to public records and was trained in the standard process for fee estimates, wherein the estimate is submitted first, waivers are applied only to the final bill, and I as the records coordinator am not involved with waivers at all. I have now been informed that, because Bear Creek Recovery often submits waivers in advance, fee estimates should be directed internally. I am seeking further clarification on our internal processes to expedite your future requests. In the meantime, rest assured that prrHansen8065 will be completed by COB today.


Best wishes,


Jenni Seven

Office Specialist II

NW Region Water Quality, Oregon DEQ

700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600

Portland, OR 97232



PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This is a public record.  This e-mail is subject to the State Retention Schedules and may be made available upon request.



-----Original Message-----

From: Susan Hansen <>

Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 5:33 PM

To:; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>; DECONCINI Nina <>

Subject: FW: publicRecordsFeeWaiver-1.pdf


Regarding 8065 HansenPRR I fear you failed to note this fee waiver had been submitted promptly on March 2, the day the 8065 PRR was submitted. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 10:39:15 -0800


Subject: FW: publicRecordsFeeWaiver-1.pdf




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 2 Mar 2018 10:37:59 -0800


Subject: publicRecordsFeeWaiver-1.pdf