From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Wed Jun 28 08:42:43 2017



Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759

Importance: Normal


Dear Tiffany,


This link worked. I just skimmed over it and saw at at least two MAO's from Ring Bender but there was no attachment furnished for the email where Nina says the DEQ's suggested MAO was attached. Could you please furnish that document, since it was referenced as attached on Nina's email to Ring Bender and thus should have been part of this public info request.



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Wed, 28 Jun 2017 01:02:02 +0000


Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759


Hi Susan

I am trying again to provide you the file of the pdfs of all of the emails in your request. These are now posted to an external server that you can access at this link tomorrow after 6am. The pdf file I created opened fine for me so I hope that getting it to you through this server, as opposed to email systems which could add corruption, will get you a file that you can open. It contains 164 pages.\tyelton\PRRHansen3759.pdf

You may wonder why you have to wait until morning. According to the instructions for the server, the server is updated every 15mintues between 6am and 6pm and I may have uploaded too late in the day to get in on the upload cycle. Sorry—trying to wrap up lots of projects before I go and didn’t know until too late about the time constraint on this server. It is probably fine to try it now but if it doesn’t work, please try again in the morning.


From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 4:17 PM


Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759

Tiffany, I can't open this - it comes up with a message that it is a damaged file.

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 22:42:26 +0000


Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759


There will still be a fee estimate sent to you but since I’m about to leave and I want to assure that the files get to you in a form that you can access, I am sending the scanned emails to you now. This will be followed by an email with the documents that fit the parameters of your request during the timeframe.

Please let me know right away if you cannot open these. There are many repeated messages but I did not want to leave anything out. In cases where the email had an attachment, I either printed the attachment or explained why it is not included.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

WQ Source Control Manager

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600

Portland OR 97232

Desk 503 229 5219

Mobile 503 975 0046

DEQ has a new website! Please update your bookmarks and check out the new site here:

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 9:37 AM



Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759



I don't use outlook much - don' even know if I can use it but do have 2003 version - and I would ask that DEQ come up with some kind of links that will be universal for all. I have no idea yet about all the ways we may want to share whatever is in this package but it needs to be easy to transmit all the information to commissions, our members, agencies, news media if we decide it is necessary to do so. I know the tech staff at Oregon's Land Division kindly set up a link for a report that was way too big for normal people to download. They just divided it into links we could click on and agreed to leave it up for a stated period of time. We are extremely concerned about the delay in enforcement and will likely wish to share with policy makers so please make certain these links can be used by the most common computer programs. People won't read them if they have to struggle.


I'll again point out that my request was for electronic transmission, that we quickly jumped though all the extra vetting when asked about our waiver request, waited now a month to get the information so we expect DEQ to provide information in easy to use, easy to transmit widely form. That was the biggest point of the waiver questions - how would we share. We can't share if it isn't easy to transmit electronically and easy for the recipient to open and read.


Thanks for working for better public transparency.


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 15:41:07 +0000


Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759

Hi Susan

Yes, the CD is on its way to you and our IT Dept is going to set up an FTP site for me where I can post the files for you to retrieve. Many of these files are in their original form as emails in Microsoft Outlook. Will that work for you? Do you have Outlook? If not I’d have to print them and scan into .pdf. There are also MS Word documents in the files you will receive.


From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 5:10 PM


Subject: RE: Public Records Request Hansen 3759

Tiffany, If I understand this correctly, there will be a disc in the mail AND there will be some kind of links created that can be sent by email once the tech people get that done. I requested electronic and after the big q and a about the waiver/ sharing issue on this, it is necessary that DEQ find a way to send the files so they can be easily shared. A CD is not a format that lends itself to sharing. I look forward to getting whatever electronic links the tech dept can create. Have a good vacation. Susan

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tue, 27 Jun 2017 00:04:50 +0000


Subject: Public Records Request Hansen 3759

Hi Susan

A CD was put in the mail today to fill this request but I understand from Melissa Aerne that you’d like to access these files through a FTP or other, similar site. I just asked our Information Technology group to set one up. I will let you know when it is ready. As you know, our email system severely limits the size of attachments we can send and receive. Dividing the files in your request into several emails is not practical this time as it would be so many emails, we could have a challenge managing them all!

I will be out of the office on vacation from June29 through July 14, back in the office on July 17.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

WQ Source Control Manager

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600

Portland OR 97232

Desk 503 229 5219

Mobile 503 975 0046

DEQ has a new website! Please update your bookmarks and check out the new site here: