From: HAMMOND Joni

Sent: Thu Jan 14 15:12:10 2016

To: 'Susan Hansen'; DECONCINI Nina; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

Subject: RE: Public Records at DEQ

Importance: Normal



I appreciate that you spent the time to travel to Salem to testify on public transparency. I am pleased you see that staff at DEQ are trying hard to be transparent and we have a process in place to provide documents in a timely way.

Thank you for sending us this email--


From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Thursday, January 14, 2016 11:39 AM


Subject: Public Records at DEQ

Dear Joni, NIna, and Tiffany,


Yesterday I testified at a hearing in Salem to our Attorney General and her committee which is working on reform for Oregon's public record laws to make Oregon more transparent.


While I had many horror stories to tell about my work with public records requests, I singled out Oregon DEQ in my testimony as doing an outstanding job in responding to public records requests and granting waivers in the public good. I wanted you to know that I appreciate the transparency of Oregon DEQ and I made certain that the AG and officials on that committee know that your agency is meeting the spirit of public transparency in an exemplary way.


Thanks again for your work for the public and for the prompt and thorough way you honor public information requests. We can only hope that more agencies/cities follow your lead. The trust of the public depends on transparency!



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery.