From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Thu Aug 03 10:37:13 2017


Cc: DECONCINI Nina; Richard Whitman; BACHMAN Jeff

Subject: RE: PRRHansen4596

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Molalla City Council BCR July 26 2017.docx; LTE Wastewater MAO 299 words submitted July 20.docx; DEQ speech July 12 2017 F.docx;




Could you please let me know what the final dates of any documents/ emails/ letters are that are included in this overdue request, so I can file my next request. It is a shame that DEQ apparently refuses to talk directly to concerned stakeholders about the growing issues facing the greater Molalla community and what DEQ is supposedly doing to try to solve the problems. Ongoing public information requests will be necessary so that concerned stakeholders/ the public can understand what if anything is being done. DEQ has had years to solve the issue of the sludge choked lagoons, discharge sites, etc. and we see no progress as Molalla stuffs in endless new residences, adding to the burden at the sewage plant. At least BCR is working to inform the public about the ongoing problems - see attached - via letters to the editor, direct statements at Molalla City Council meetings and to the EQC.


I'd urge you and Nina to come back again to get the issues out in public. It is clear from City Councilor's Palumbo's email to me (see "City Council" document) that the Council is in no way informed about the ongoing violations. How does DEQ expect to get to an acceptable MAO if City Councilor's think there are no serious problems? There are three new City Councilors since you and Nina last spoke to Molalla City Council at a public meeting and from Palumbo's belief that all is well it seems clear the Council is not being fully informed about violations and what they could mean in terms of fines or a MAO.


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thu, 3 Aug 2017 15:56:30 +0000


Subject: PRRHansen4596



I have completed gathering the emails related to your request. I will scan tem later today and they will likely have to be sent to you in batches or we will have to use an FTP site. The fee estimate has to be updated as well which I need assistance with so the request should be filled tomorrow.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

WQ Source Control Manager

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600

Portland OR 97232

Desk 503 229 5219

Mobile 503 975 0046

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