From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Wed Feb 14 17:39:21 2018
Cc: 'ADAMS Diana'; 'YELTON-BRAM Tiffany'; 'HUDDLESTON Dana';; Richard Whitman; DECONCINI Nina;;
Subject: RE: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; Ms. Yellesetty, That would be an excellent idea to provide all accessible documents right away. And I would suggest (as I have to all agencies that try to use the excuse of the absence of a key player for failure to provide timely access to public records) that DEQ, as a PUBLIC agency, start to create a backup process so more than one person can fulfill a public record request. Susan Hansen -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 00:39:56 +0000 To: Subject: RE: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR Ms. Hansen, I understand your frustration and apologize for the delay in fulfilling this request. We had begun work on this but it was held up due to Ms. Yelton-Bram’s unanticipated absence, as many of these records are only accessible to her. We are in the process of searching for any and all responsive records that we can access and will provide these to you as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience, Leela Yellesetty Records & Information Security Officer Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 600 Portland, OR 97232 503.229.5559 From: Susan Hansen [] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 3:23 PM To: HUDDLESTON Dana <>; Richard Whitman <>; Cc: ADAMS Diana <>; YELLESETTY Leela <>; KRON Michael C <>; DECONCINI Nina <>; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <> Subject: RE: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR Ms. Huddleston, I have jumped though every hoop DEQ asked for and DEQ made bold promises about better response to PRR that was supposed to begin after the first of the year. In fact, I find your PRR process is taking longer and longer. I don't find it acceptable that there is no one who can step in when any DEQ employee is unable to do the work to provide the information. This was a much broader request that involved far more people than Ms. Yelton- Bram. I hope you will quickly find a way to provide the requested information - the timely threshold is certainly going by the wayside. Doesn't someone have to fill in for Ms. Yelton-Bram when she is out of the office? What will the next excuse be - that the work is so backed up she can't catch up? This is not acceptable. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 23:07:08 +0000 Subject: RE: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR Ms. Hansen, I spoke to a staff who is assisting Tiffany Yelton-Bram on your record request. Tiffany has been out the last couple of days ill; I do not know if she will be in the office this week. Tiffany is the “keeper” of the records you requested, which means we will not be able to fill your request until Tiffany returns to work. Tiffany, please contact Ms. Hansen as soon as you return to work and provide an estimated date of when the records will be released. Please make this a priority. Ms. Hansen, I will be out of the office from February 15 until March 5. During this time please contact Leela Yellesetty (DEQ Records Officer) if you need additional help with this request. Thank you, Dana Huddleston Dana Huddleston | Public Record Requests Coordinator 165 E. 7th Avenue, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401 541-687-7339 | 541-686-7551 fax PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This is a public record. This e-mail is subject to the State Retention Schedules and may be made available upon request. From: Susan Hansen [] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 1:50 PM To: HUDDLESTON Dana <> Cc: ADAMS Diana <>; KRON Michael C <>; DECONCINI Nina <>; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <> Subject: RE: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR Thanks, I look forward to getting my information. I also want to point out that DEQ has known for quite awhile that regular requests regarding the ongoing work to bring the City of Molalla into compliance on wastewater issues will be make by Bear Creek Recovery. The greater community deserves to be much better informed about the facts related to the work of DEQ regarding Molalla and Oregonians in general need to be concerned about whether or not DEQ is making adequate progress on environmental issues and enforcement of the Clean Water Act. Timely information is essential - the public funds your work and the public wants to fully understand and if necessary participate in the process. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wed, 14 Feb 2018 21:41:23 +0000 Subject: RE: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR Good Afternoon Ms. Hansen, Your record request, prrHansen7494, was received by DEQ on January 24; today marks the 15th business day since your request was received. I will contact the staff assigned your request and see if the records will be ready for release by end of business today. If the records are not ready for release today, you will receive a written explanation and an estimated date of when the records will be released. Thank you and please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions about this matter. Dana Huddleston Dana Huddleston | Public Record Requests Coordinator 165 E. 7th Avenue, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401 541-687-7339 | 541-686-7551 fax PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This is a public record. This e-mail is subject to the State Retention Schedules and may be made available upon request. From: Susan Hansen [] Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 1:23 PM To: HUDDLESTON Dana <> Cc: DECONCINI Nina <>; Subject: Overdue Hansen7494 PRR Dear Ms. Huddleston, I believe DEQ said it would take no longer than 15 days to provide public information. This request has been approved for a fee waiver and now it in the overdue territory. When will I get the records I request for Bear Creek Recovery? Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 23:19:21 +0000 Subject: Oregon DEQ Public Record Request: Hansen7494 Fee Waiver Dear Ms. Hansen, The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is providing Bear Creek Recovery with a waiver of fees associated with your record request(s), Hansen7494, received by DEQ on January 24, 2018. DEQ approves waivers/reductions according to criteria in the Department of Administrative Services’ Public Records Request Fees and Charges policy and the Oregon State Attorney General’s Public Records and Meetings Manual. DEQ will apply costs for record retrieval, sorting, reviewing or copying to the fee waiver/reduction, except for third-party vendor costs. DEQ uses third-party vendors in circumstances such as: copy jobs of a specialty nature, or when records need to be reviewed by DEQ attorneys for exempt (non-releasable) information. Any amount owed above the waiver/reduced amount, or third-party costs, must be paid before we release the records to you. We will be happy to work with you to narrow the scope of requests or make the files available for your review. This will allow you the opportunity to copy only the specific information you require. If you have any questions, please contact me at or 541-687-7339. Thank you, Dana Huddleston Dana Huddleston | Public Record Requests Coordinator 165 E. 7th Avenue, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401 541-687-7339 | 541-686-7551 fax PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This is a public record. This e-mail is subject to the State Retention Schedules and may be made available upon request.