From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

Sent: Thu Feb 05 16:16:56 2015

To: 'Susan Hansen'; DECONCINI Nina

Subject: RE: North Coleman waterway

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ~WRD000.jpg; image001.jpg;


Dear Susan

Thank you for the resending of the information. Once the Recycled Water Plan has been edited, it will go out for public review again so you will have a chance to comment. I will reference the information you have sent us as we speak with the city about the plan edits.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

WQ Source Control Manager

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150

Portland OR 97201

Desk 503 229 5219

Mobile 503 975 0046

This spring, DEQ's Northwest Region Office will be moving to a new location - the 700 Lloyd Building at 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600, Portland, OR 97232. The target date for operating at the new location is May 26th, 2015.

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2015 2:41 PM


Subject: North Coleman waterway

Dear Tiffany and Nina,


Since you are working on setbacks for the Molalla recycled water discharge, please again note the runoff prone area I complained about to you at the end of last summer. There is a seasonal waterway that drains off the north side of Coleman Ranch in the area to the north of their ranch houses and buildings (Find a link to a map below that shows the area in question). The landform slopes down from the east to the west. At the end of last summer a great deal of recycled water was discharged in this area - mostly to the east end but also in the west end. Last summer I furnished photos of the waterway dry one day and running the next in the hot summer because so much recycled water was discharged over many days. You should have that complaint in your files along with the photos. Today I took the attached photo looking east from highway 211 so you can see how this channel looks in wet season.


Please call the attention of Molalla to this area, since it has been my observation in the last two summers that Molalla defaults to this area to dump wastewater in the last summer. I only noticed the run off last summer. I hope I don't see runoff there this summer. The waterway feeds a prominent wetland on the west side of highway 211 and continues on to feed a pond. None of those off site places should be hosting Molalla's recycled water runoff. As with much of Coleman this area is a wetland, with reed grass and hydric soils so it won't be able to handle much irrigation without runoff into this channel.


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thu, 05 Feb 2015 22:28:34 +0000


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