From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Wed May 27 17:35:19 2015
Subject: RE: Molalla sewage spill : Media Contact Molalla Pioneer
Importance: Normal
NO Nina: Tiffany FAILED to say to the Pioneer that on Monday Molalla's story to her/DEQ was (direct quote) "there was a release but it was contained in the plant"and that the RAW SEWAGE SPILL in the CREEK was not admitted till Friday.
Why didn't Tiffany tell those FACTS to the Pioneer? She told them to me on that Friday or the Monday after the spill when I called to ask her whether DEQ had gone right out to inspect on the Monday the spill was found - Tiffany told me that DEQ had not gone to inspect because DEQ was not informed about the sewage into the creek till Friday, too late to bother I guess to go inspect. Tiffany knew that when Ms. Savage called and I had already told Ms. Savage that Molalla had failed to tell DEQ that RAW SEWAGE reached the creek till Friday. That was a huge omission on Tiffany's part in that interview.
It is long overdue for the people to understand how their paid employees are handing their services and for DEQ to hide the details about what kind of "reporting" was done by Ms. Cline is reprehensible as far as I am concerned. It was a cover up of the FACTS about what was or was not reported. It made it sound like all was reported on Monday and that is NOT TRUE.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Thu, 28 May 2015 00:16:02 +0000
> To:
> Subject: RE: Molalla sewage spill : Media Contact Molalla Pioneer
> Susan,
> Tiffany clearly stated (and the Pioneer reported), that the City's story
> is changing. This is the reason Tiffany also stated that DEQ is
> conducting an investigation, which the paper also reported.
> Nina
> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Susan Hansen
> Date:05/27/2015 2:56 PM (GMT-08:00)
> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
> ,
> Subject: Molalla sewage spill : Media Contact Molalla Pioneer
> Dear Tiffany,
> Your interaction with the Molalla Pioneer editor totally failed to tell
> the truth about Molalla's notification on Monday, the day of the spill,
> to DEQ. You have twice confirmed to me that Molalla did not disclose to
> DEQ till Friday of that week that RAW SEWAGE had escaped into Bear Creek.
> You told me today on the phone that the Monday notification call from
> Cline ONLY disclosed to you that there had been a "release but that it
> was contained in the plant."
> What was your purpose in failing to disclose those factual details to the
> Pioneer? Don't you think the people who pay for public works and DEQ
> services deserve to know that Molalla failed to tell DEQ about the escape
> of RAW SEWAGE into Bear Creek for several days and that the Monday phone
> call to you was to claim the release was contained in the plant?
> Your failure to provide the detailed facts about what was disclosed and
> when makes DEQ part of the problem - if citizens are not given detailed
> facts they will never be able to make certain their cities are safe and
> ethical places to live. I certainly look forward to you or your
> supervisors correcting the record in the Pioneer. Editor Ms. Savage has
> been copied on this email so you can easily follow up with her about the
> facts of this incident.
> Susan Hansen
> Bear Creek Recovery
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Wed, 27 May 2015 20:17:12 +0000
> To:
> Subject: FW: Media Contact Molalla Pioneer
> Susan,
> I know you have additional questions about the Pioneer story and what I
> said to Peggy Savage.
> When a member of the media contacts us, we fill out a media contact form
> to try to capture the questions as asked and our response. We answer the
> questions as asked.
> Tiffany
> __________________________________________
> From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
> Sent: Thursday, May 21, 2015 11:37 AM
> SVELUND Greg; WHITE Brian; FLYNT Jennifer; ARMSTRONG Ken; COLE David
> Cc: CALDERA Stephanie; MANEY Ella; [All DEQ] Regional Solutions; PEDERSEN
> EMER Lydia; WILES Wendy; MRAZIK Steve
> Subject: RE: Media Contact Molalla Pioneer
> Date and Time Contacted: 5/21/15 11:27am
> Publication/Station: Molalla Pioneer
> Reporter’s Name and Phone Number: Peggy Savage 503-829-2301
> Topic Discussed: Peggy asked if the City of Molalla contact DEQ about
> the release. I replied that I received a call from the city (PW
> director) on May 11th at 4:30pm which was within 24 hours of discovery of
> the release. The NPDES Permit requires that we are notified within 24
> hours. I also explained that we received a written report on Friday, May
> 15th that is also required by the permit. This report documents the cause
> of the release and response to it as much as is known by day 5. She
> asked about volume and next steps and I said we are still investigating.
> Reporter’s Deadline: tomorrow am 5/21 am