From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Wed Apr 29 15:21:59 2015



Subject: RE: Molalla hearing April 30, 2015 Comments/photos #3 August 13, 2014

Importance: Normal


Will do Tiffany. My basic concern is that if there are no hand lines allowed in South Coleman, all access to equipment related to hand line use should be required to be removed from that field. They clearly used hand lines last season after the plan was written. Susan


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 21:35:41 +0000

> To:

> Subject: RE: Molalla hearing April 30, 2015 Comments/photos #3 August 13,

> 2014


> Hi Susan

> I have received all three of your messages on hand lines for recycled

> water application. We can talk about this tomorrow night but I want to

> be sure I understand your specific request for a change in the plan.

> Would you please let know if there is specific language that you want

> added or removed from the plan and where (page number, paragraph) you

> think that addition or deletion should go?

> Thank you.

> Tiffany



> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



> -------- Original message --------

> From: Susan Hansen

> Date:04/29/2015 12:17 PM (GMT-08:00)

> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


> Subject: Molalla hearing April 30, 2015 Comments/photos #3 August 13,

> 2014


> On August 13, 2014, hand lines were still in use disposing of recycled

> water on large portions of South Coleman field. Photos 1260521/23/28 were

> taken looking east at S. Coleman field from the dead end road E. 7th

> Street. Photos ending in 588/589 show the ponding that was growing on the

> west end of S. Coleman along Freyer Park Road where the hand lines were

> in use for a couple of days. Photo #581 shows the big gun in use in near

> land lines on the east end of S. Coleman along Freyer Park Road with

> ponding around the green guard barrier. All the photos show heavy hand

> lines in use on Aug 13.


> Again, please add that the hand line connections on S. Coleman need to be

> disable since clearly they were used several days in 2014, counter to the

> recycled water plan.


> Susan Hansen


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Wed, 29 Apr 2015 10:42:25 -0700

> To:

> Subject: Emailing: P1260521, P1260523, P1260528, P1260534e,

> P1260578ponding south coleman, P1260579e, P1260581, P1260588ponding south

> colemanAug 13, P1260589ponding


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