From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Thu Dec 24 15:33:36 2015


Subject: RE: Molalla discharge into Bear Creek

Importance: Normal


Thanks Nina, I will look forward to clarification on the issues next week. Happy Holidays to you - since we are not religious we are keeping our heads down and staying out of traffic! Take care, Susan


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 22:16:10 +0000

> To:

> Subject: RE: Molalla discharge into Bear Creek


> Thanks for your message Susan. I am not able to provide the clarification

> you've asked for below. There aren't any water quality staff in the

> office today however, Tiffany has had numerous exchanges with the City

> over the past few days regarding our expectations that they follow their

> permit requirements. I'm sure you can imagine there are many

> jurisdictions we're working with right now who are having similar

> challenges.


> We should be able to get back to you with more information early next

> week.


> I wish you a merry Christmas.


> Nina




> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



> -------- Original message --------

> From: Susan Hansen <>

> Date: 12/24/2015 09:53 (GMT-08:00)

> To: DECONCINI Nina <>

> Subject: Molalla discharge into Bear Creek


> Dear Nina,


> I talked to Tiffany yesterday about the current violation where Molalla

> is discharging treated waste water into Bear Creek. Could you please

> clarify how these violations begin and end? I believe Tiffany said that

> once there was a period of no rain - I thought she said at least 8 hours

> of no rain - any need to continue to discharge into Bear Creek would be a

> new violation. I would like someone to tell me the exact rule on start

> and stop of each violation period and how DEQ is keeping track of periods

> when rain ends. Tiffany's voice mail indicated she will be out for a few

> days and I would appreciate an answer to those questions since we today

> are in a period of no rain and I hope someone at DEQ is keeping track?



> Sincerely,

> Susan Hansen

> Bear Creek Recovery