From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

Sent: Thu Apr 30 22:00:25 2015


Subject: RE: How dod the hearing go?b Importance: Normal

Attachments: FW: E.coli in Molalla;


Hi Joni

You will get a call from Susan because I did not answer her question about who is responsible for letting the public know when an e coli exceedance is measured in a creek (and it is not the result of a DEQ permit holder). At the end of the hearing she took the opportunity to enter into this question in a very in my face way. I have answered the question of what we do when it is one of our permit holders. But this question is the result of the ODA investigation into Coleman Ranch and her allegation that ODA said it was out responsibility to make public notice even though the activity that caused the e coli in the water was related and ag controlled.

When Nina and I had conference calls with ag on the Coleman Ranch investigation we did discuss this with them and came to the realization that neither agency has really dealt with this issue.

Attached is my request from last year for assistance with this interagency issue. There may be other agencies beyond DEQ and Ag that should talk about this.

Otherwise, we got some great substantive comments and support for the changes we proposed from other Bear Creek members. Mayor Deborah Rogge and Public Works Director Jennifer Cline were both there. Mayor Rogge has a great idea for reuse that Ill share with Nina tomorrow and Jennifer has made progress securing contracts with the other approved recycled water sites –so the cemetery , nursery and Jorgensen site may accept water this year but there is much relationship repair to do.

Thanks for asking.


From: HAMMOND Joni

Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 8:36 PM


Subject: How dod the hearing go?