From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Mon Mar 12 17:02:23 2018

To: Susan Hansen; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


Subject: RE: FW: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund

Importance: Normal




In your email regarding Molalla's leaking lagoons, you imply the lagoons are in some way lined. Please explain how they are lined since Richwine notes this:


"6.2.5 Facultative Lagoons

The facultative lagoons are an excellent asset for wastewater storage and treatment.

However, it is likely the lagoons may need to be lined which is a significant expense."


If they are lined, why is Richwine noting a "significant expense" for lining? What is the current state of the supposed "lining" of the Molalla lagoons and if they are lined, why are they leaking 170,000+ gallons a day? What kind of lining is supposedly in place in those giant leaking lagoons?


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 15:48:09 -0800

> To:

> Subject: RE: FW: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


> Tiffany,


> Please note that you have an outstanding Bear Creek Recovery PRR waiting

> to be filled that includes the recent meeting regarding the long awaited

> MAO. We are very interested in the progress or lack there of on an MAO.


> Before the funding questions, we are not clear about the lagoon issues.

> DEQ wrote not one but TWO letters indicating the lagoons were leaking

> enough to warrant test wells. Now you have backed off and made the excuse

> that it is not quite bad enough, even though the DEQ analysis of last

> summer's lagoon leak test was said to be flawed but good enough to come

> up with the very high leakage rate. It's pretty clear to those watching

> this that DEQ has caved - why not require a CONCLUSIVE lagoon leak test,

> then we would know exactly how much the lagoons are leaking?


> You had Raihana Ansary listed as a person who was supposed to attend that

> past meeting with Director Whitman and Molalla -she was clearly listed on

> that agenda as addressing funding issues and ended up not attending. It

> was the meeting where Rep. Lewis attended and claimed to be able to help

> find money at EPA. Ms. Ansary has NOT been responsive, nor has anyone in

> her agency.


> What is the current progress, if any, toward finding the tens of millions

> of dollars needed to fix Molalla's waste water problems? What

> agencies/funding sources are being contacted and considered to date? If

> public money at low rates is not available, what kind of private

> bonds/loans could Molalla get? What funding sources might be subject to

> rejection by local Molalla voters - they are currently going to vote on

> the $11/month road fee the City Council and manager tried to impose

> without a vote? In other words, what kind of loans/bonds could be

> successfully rejected by voters if they did not like the rates they would

> face?


> What kind of "credit worthyness" does a city have to show to be loaned

> money from the revolving or other public fund? What kind of utility rates

> must be in place first - do they have to show rates high enough to pay

> back a loan BEFORE the loan can be granted? What kind of debt currently

> carried can be folded into new loans or bonds or would a city have to

> continue to pay past loans (including the current outstanding revolving

> fund I believe Molalla is paying back) along with any new loan?


> If a city is in a lawsuit regarding being in contempt of court how would

> that affect any potential loans? Would it affect state revolving funds

> being loaned? What about a court order - how would that affect the

> ability to get a loan of any type, public or private money? In other

> words, how does being entangled in any legal actions connected to

> wastewater enforcement of failure to comply with legal agreements

> regarding wastewater affect the ability to get a loan?


> Has Rep. Rick Lewis come up with any potential money sources for Molalla

> from EPA or other sources? What kind of EPA money is available? The EPA

> site I explored appeared to be very competitive regarding EPA money, esp.

> giving favor to plans with the highest cost to benefit ratio.


> I note that this year 2018 does NOT show Molalla is on the distressed

> city list. And it is rapidly approaching 10,000 residents. What loan

> category would the revolving funds or EPA put Molalla in, since I see

> there are lower rates for distressed cities and lower rates for cities

> under 10,000? By the time Molalla applies it will most likely be over

> 10,000 people - who decides and how is it decided what the actual

> population is?


> As to Lee Ann, she was asked general questions - it is pretty clear if

> anything is going to improve here, a lot of money will be needed in the

> near future. I understand in the past Molalla had to go for higher

> interest private loan or loans. How long given the current state of the

> "plans" and the supposed MAO will it be till Molalla could actually apply

> for loans/bonds and then how long would it take to actually have

> decisions and money ready to go?


> Again, given the "regional solutions" staff it is pretty sad that Ms.

> Ansary failed to pick up on my ask to have a conversation. Why do we need

> "regional solutions" if DEQ is going to be the loan agency? Why was she

> invited to that meeting with Whitman if DEQ will be the source of funds?


> I am quite certain any answers will lead to more questions.


> Susan Hansen

> Bear Creek Recovery


>> -----Original Message-----

>> From:

>> Sent: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 22:29:03 +0000

>> To:

>> Subject: FW: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


>> Hello Susan

>> Sounds like you did have a conversation with Lee Ann Lawrence late last

>> year. Please let me know what outstanding questions about the Clean

>> Water State Revolving Fund you have and we will get them answered.

>> Tiffany


>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: LAWRENCE Lee Ann

>> Sent: Monday, March 12, 2018 9:22 AM

>> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>

>> Cc: YAP Anita <>

>> Subject: RE: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


>> Hi Tiffany,


>> Susan or someone from Bear Creek Recovery called me about four months

>> ago

>> on November 16, 2017. I spoke with her on the phone for about 10

>> minutes.

>> She asked about the Intended Use Plan and what "we were doing about

>> Molalla." She expressed concern about how their city council is handling

>> their water quality issues. She also wanted to know if Molalla was

>> considered a distressed community and would be eligible for principal

>> forgiveness.


>> I explained how the loan program worked, who can apply and how. I also

>> explained that we are not an enforcement program. I also emailed her a

>> link to the distressed community index.


>> She asked if Molalla had ever had a loan with us and I confirmed that

>> they had one loan with us in the past. She wanted more details and I

>> told

>> her she could fill out a public records request.


>> She seemed content with our conversation when I got off the phone with

>> her. I haven't heard anything else from her.


>> Lee Ann Lawrence

>> Program Coordinator

>> Clean Water State Revolving Fund

>> Water Quality Operations Division

>> Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

>> 700 NE Multnomah Street, Suite #600

>> Portland, OR 97232

>> (503) 229-5622




>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

>> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 4:39 PM

>> To: YAP Anita <>; LAWRENCE Lee Ann

>> <>

>> Subject: FW: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


>> Hi Anita and Lee Ann

>> Have either of you received a call or email from Susan Hansen? She is a

>> resident of the area near Molalla and represents a group called Bear

>> Creek Recovery. Please call me to follow up.

>> Thanks

>> Tiffany

>> X5219


>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

>> Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 4:37 PM

>> To: 'Susan Hansen' <>; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

>> <>

>> Cc:; AUNAN Lauri * GOV <>;

>> DECONCINI Nina <>; Richard Whitman

>> <>;;

>>; ''

>> <>

>> Subject: RE: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


>> Susan,

>> I manage Evan Haas, the Project Officer for the Clean Water State

>> Revolving Fund for the NW region of DEQ (Clackamas, Multnomah,

>> Washington, Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook counties). If a public

>> entity in the the NW region of our state is interested in a CWSRF loan,

>> they work with Evan.


>> I tried to track down who your communication about CWSRF landed with--I

>> know it was not Evan. But if you have question about CWSRF, we can help

>> with those. I am sorry if you left messages from someone else in the

>> program and did not hear back. Please let us know what your questions

>> are and we will follow up.


>> Tiffany Yelton Bram

>> WQ Source Control Manager

>> Northwest Regional Office

>> Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

>> 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600

>> Portland OR 97232


>> Desk 503 229 5219

>> Mobile 503 975 0046




>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: Susan Hansen <>

>> Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 9:21 PM

>> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany <>

>> Cc:; AUNAN Lauri * GOV <>;

>> DECONCINI Nina <>; Richard Whitman

>> <>;;


>> Subject: RE: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


>> Hi Tiffany,


>> I have asked repeatedly - most recently to Ms. Aunan - that a

>> representative from the State Revolving Fund contact me directly. I do

>> not imagine you run that program so I wish to have any person who is

>> working on or has been asked to work on Molalla's funding issues at the

>> State Revolving Fund to contact me directly. I am shocked at how long

>> this request has been ignored.


>> We are still waiting for you to answer the DEQ related questions about

>> the Molalla MAO and 170,000+ a day leaking lagoons as well as the most

>> recent 3/2/2018 BCR public info request.


>> Susan Hansen

>> Bear Creek Recovery


>>> -----Original Message-----

>>> From:

>>> Sent: Thu, 8 Mar 2018 03:47:46 +0000

>>> To:

>>> Subject: Questions about the Clean Water State Revolving Fund


>>> Hello Susan

>>> I heard indirectly that you contacted DEQ about the Clean Water State

>>> Revolving Fund, did not get a response and then contacted the

>>> Governor's Office. Can I be of help in answering your questions?

>>> Tiffany




>>> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

