From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Fri Jul 17 14:57:57 2015

To: Susan Hansen; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


Subject: RE: FW: Public information request - not complete 2

Importance: Normal


Tiffany, Another part of what I believe is missing was Cole's response to Patrick - it was said something like the the limit can't be raised so Molalla would have to just basically continue to violate if it could not meet the 10 limit. Something along those lines was included in that past PIR package. Susan



-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 12:29:34 -0800


Subject: RE: FW: Public information request - not complete 2




Thanks for sending this. But I think there is a page of emails missing - I distinctly remember there was one where Jon Patrick wrote to David Cole to ask if the limit could be raised to 15. Could you please look at the package that was sent in the mail and send me the entire exchange about this BOD issue. Obviously David Cole would not have raised the issue to you if Jon Patrick had not asked for it. The exchange I remember also had Mr. Cole first telling Mr. Patrick that he thought it was possible. And I believe in one exchange Mr. Patrick noted that he knew the city could not meet the 10 BOD. Please look again because I am quite sure part of this exchange is missing. Thanks, Susan




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 17 Jul 2015 17:09:15 +0000


Subject: FW: Public information request - not complete 2


I will also send you my response to your question immediately below about whether I mis-spoke (I had).

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 7:36 PM



Subject: RE: Public information request - not complete 2

Dear Tiffany,


Reading the info package you sent in the mail, I think you may have mis-spoke about the BOD limit in the email on March 14 - see attached. I assume when you said "We will keep the limit at 15" you really meant to say "keep the limit at 10"? Thanks, Susan

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Wed, 2 Apr 2014 01:20:23 +0000


Subject: RE: Public information request - not complete

Hello Susan

It is my mistake that the Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs)were not included. I simply did not think of them as I set about gathering the e-mails you asked for and the looking for reports such as Infiltration and Inflow and Recycled Water reports.

To correct my mistake , I have done two things: 1) I went back through our current files and filing to look for DMRs and I found the one for December 2013 (attached to this e-mail) and I also found the Recycled Water Report, which I did not know we had received (also attached), and 2) I have asked my staff to go through their desks to find DMRs for January and February 2014 (which we should have) and to look for anything else that may have gotten missed. The March 2014 DMR is not due to us until April 15th.

I have asked David Cole to check again for anything else related to the January 2nd e-mail exchange.

My apologies for my mistake.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

Water Quality Source Control Section Manager

Water Quality Program, NW Region

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150

Portland OR 97201-4987

desk 503 229 5219

mobile 503 975 0046

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2014 5:07 PM



Subject: Public information request - not complete

Dear Tiffany,


Today I got what I think you consider an end to my recent request to see all info submitted from Dec 18 forward from Molalla's waste water facility. The package I got had email chatter but lacks DMRs or other reports from the facility. I realize the I&I was not filed. Where are the DMR's or other reports the city should be filing to DEQ about discharge and operations? Please furnish those asap.


Also there is apparently an incomplete email exchange: on Jan 2 Dan Huff sent a message to David Cole at 11:50 AM RE:Molalla STP permit action items. All that email says, as copied, is "David - I think once we go through the public hearing process for our recycled water plan we will be able to "


Please furnish the complete email that would surely continue beyond "able to" since Cole responds "OK Dan, that makes sense..."


Thanks for your help with transparency.


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery