From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Thu May 28 12:17:08 2015



Subject: RE: FW: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15

Importance: Normal




Also, because I believe in transparency, you should know that I am working to tell my concerns to EPA about what I believe has been very poor management of Molalla by Oregon DEQ. I was on the phone with them as you sent your below email. I am very unimpressed with DEQ at this point and Tiffany's failure to reveal details to the Pioneer caused me to again seek help from EPA.


We are getting nowhere around here as long as DEQ fails to tell the WHOLE TRUTH to the people. For Cline not to immediately reveal what would have been crystal clear on Monday morning was outrageous - yet we end up with Tiffany's "she called me on Monday" in the paper. I also expect the landowners still would not have been notified if I had not contacted Tiffany a week and a half after the spill and asked about who was responsible for that notification - I KNOW the nearest downstream landowers had not been contacted by then by Molalla because I had to be the one to tell them (just like the E.coli story - have you all figured out yet who SHOULD have told that story to the citizens?). Susan


> -----Original Message-----

> From:

> Sent: Thu, 28 May 2015 18:24:04 +0000

> To:

> Subject: FW: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Susan,


> As promised, I wanted to get back to you regarding the council meeting

> minutes from the 4/22/15 meeting. The Molalla City Council met on

> Wednesday, May 27th. As you'll see from my correspondence from Sadie

> below (I included the entire email chain), all of DEQ's edits were

> approved as submitted. I sent you both a "clean" copy and a version with

> the edits highlighted in "track changes" in an earlier email. According

> to Sadie, the next agenda packet will reflect the City Council's

> action/vote from Wednesday night.


> Nina


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Sadie Cramer []

> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 10:37 AM


> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> The link below is the agenda packet that included the edits. This is the

> set that was passed last night. This is the only posting of those minutes

> to our website. The next agenda packet will have the minutes from last

> night stating the motion and vote.



> ouncil-and-executive-sessions-may-27-2015


> Thanks,


> Sadie

> -----Original Message-----

> From: DECONCINI Nina []

> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:31 AM

> To: 'Sadie Cramer'

> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Great! Is the link now updated? I would like to have that too.


> Thanks again.


> Nina


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Sadie Cramer []

> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:23 AM


> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Hi Nina,


> I was just emailing you myself! Here is a clean set of minutes that the

> council approved 7-0 last night. Thank you and the DEQ staff for their

> edits to make them as accurate as possible.


> Have a great weekend!


> Sadie


> -----Original Message-----

> From: DECONCINI Nina []

> Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 9:22 AM

> To: 'Sadie Cramer'


> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Good morning Sadie!


> I hope this email finds you well. Say, I wanted to follow up with you

> regarding the May 27th City Council meeting where the proposed edits we

> supplied for the council members' consideration were to be reviewed. Can

> you tell me if our edits were indeed approved at Wed's meeting? If they

> were, can you please resend the link with the updated set of minutes? If

> they were not accepted, can you please send me an explanation?


> Thanks again.


> Nina




> -----Original Message-----

> From: DECONCINI Nina

> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:27 AM

> To: 'Sadie Cramer'


> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Sadie,


> As per my voicemail to you late this am, I am attaching two versions of

> the edits we have made to the 4/22/15 City Council meeting minutes to

> ensure accuracy. One attachment has the changes highlighted in "track

> changes" and the other is a "clean version" of the document. Could you

> please resend us the link when they have been reposted?


> Thanks again for the opportunity to review and please let us know if you

> have any questions.


> Nina


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Sadie Cramer []

> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:53 AM


> Cc: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Hello,


> Here are the draft minutes that will go before the council this week. If

> there are any edits please let me know and I will let the council know of

> the changes. I did not draft these up, I was out on vacation.


> Thank you so much!


> Sadie


> -----Original Message-----

> From: DECONCINI Nina []

> Sent: Saturday, May 09, 2015 11:22 AM

> To: Sadie Cramer

> Cc: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Sadie,


> I hope you had a great vacation! If you have a copy of the minutes in a

> word document (not a link), could you please forward it Tiffany and me so

> we can review what was captured? I've cc'd her on this email message.

> There are probably some responses where we need to "fill in the blanks"

> since not everything may have been recorded.


> I will be out of the office until Wed of next week (4/13) but I believe

> Tiffany is in. We would like to get back to you with any edits to ensure

> accuracy for the public record in a timely manner.


> Please feel free to follow up with Tiffany if you have any quesions.


> Thanks again!


> Nina



> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



> -------- Original message --------

> From: Sadie Cramer

> Date:04/24/2015 1:52 PM (GMT-05:00)


> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Good morning,


> They will be done in than next 10 business days. I will send a copy when

> the draft is done. I will be on vacation in an hour so if you have any

> questions or concerns please let Dan know so we can promptly respond.


> Have a great weekend as well,


> Sadie


> -----Original Message-----

> From: DECONCINI Nina []

> Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 7:05 AM

> To: Sadie Cramer

> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Sadie,


> One follow up request. Can you please send me a copy of the minutes for

> our review? Approximately when are they typically transcribed? Thanks and

> have a good weekend!


> Nina



> Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone



> -------- Original message --------

> From: Sadie Cramer

> Date:04/23/2015 2:20 PM (GMT-08:00)


> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15


> Thank you Nina. It was great to meet you even in passing. Have a great

> rest of your week and thank you for your summary notes. All the best,

> Sadie


> From: DECONCINI Nina []

> Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 1:45 PM

> To: 'Sadie Cramer'

> Cc: 'Dan Huff'; 'Jennifer Cline'; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; HAFLEY Dan

> Subject: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15



> Sadie,


> Say, I thought it might be helpful to have my notes from last night's

> council meeting for the minutes. I've attached them as a Word document

> to this message.


> We also had some additional notes that we did not share that Tiffany will

> forward to Dan and Jennifer under separate cover that is intended as

> background. We sincerely appreciated being able to attend! My drive

> home was much more direct ;-)


> Thanks again.


> Nina



> Nina DeConcini

> Oregon Department of Environmental Quality NW Region Division

> Administrator

> 2020 SW 4th Avenue, Suite 400

> Portland, OR 97201

> Office: 503.229.6271

> Mobile: 503.804.0840

> Fax: 503.229.6924

