From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Fri May 15 11:35:16 2015
Subject: RE: FW: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15
Importance: Normal
I still question that Tiffany's extensive, impossible to hear comments made it into either of these records. I may go sometime and listen/watch the video recording. She talked a long time and there is next to nothing in either of these accounts from her.
These original draft minutes were attached to the agenda notice I got last week for the city council meeting on Wed. May 13 so I question whether your version will be revisited - unless you told Sadie to hold off on approval of the city's version which went out with the agenda?
Again, Tiffany should always have a microphone with her in public. Her voice does not carry.
And when do you expect that DEQ - you or Tiffany - will have an answer to my question to Tiffany at the hearing about what agency should step up and inform the public when water is contaminated as Creamery Creek was last year with very high E.coli counts? You said you were looking into that and we are owed an answer so we can call the correct agency or the city in the future and get the facts out to the public so they are not endangered with 14,800 E.Coli in their neighborhoods and backyards.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> Sent: Fri, 15 May 2015 18:11:54 +0000
> To:
> Subject: FW: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15
> Susan,
> As promised, here are the minutes from the Molalla City Council meeting
> on April 22, 2015. The City Recorder, Sadie Cramer, sent them to us for
> our review. We provided edits and sent them back to her yesterday. I've
> attached both our "track changes" version and a "clean version," which
> should be a little easier to read. Sadie told me that the Council will
> be reviewing and approving them at their May 27th meeting and then they
> will be posted. I wanted to send you what we provided in the interest of
> being timely. From what we can tell, the minutes were thorough and
> everything got recorded.
> Our office is moving to the Lloyd Center over the weekend, so I wanted to
> get this sent today before our computers shut down ;-)
> Thanks.
> Nina
> -----Original Message-----
> From: DECONCINI Nina
> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:27 AM
> To: 'Sadie Cramer'
> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15
> Sadie,
> As per my voicemail to you late this am, I am attaching two versions of
> the edits we have made to the 4/22/15 City Council meeting minutes to
> ensure accuracy. One attachment has the changes highlighted in "track
> changes" and the other is a "clean version" of the document. Could you
> please resend us the link when they have been reposted?
> Thanks again for the opportunity to review and please let us know if you
> have any questions.
> Nina
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sadie Cramer []
> Sent: Monday, May 11, 2015 10:53 AM
> Cc: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
> Subject: RE: DEQ visit to council meeting 4/22/15
> Hello,
> Here are the draft minutes that will go before the council this week. If
> there are any edits please let me know and I will let the council know of
> the changes. I did not draft these up, I was out on vacation.
> Thank you so much!
> Sadie