From: HAFLEY Dan

Sent: Thu Aug 14 13:11:48 2014

To: 'Susan Hansen'


Subject: RE: Floragon

Importance: Normal

Attachments: image001.jpg;


Susan –

We are currently in discussion with Avison representatives regarding the scope of a remedial action for the South Parcel portion of the Avison site, including Bear Creek. Concentrations of dioxins detected in Bear Creek on the Avison site are modest, generally less than 100 parts per trillion, based on the most toxic dioxin – 2,3,7,8-TCDD. Our preference is for localized sediment removal in the creekbed, along with a more robust effort in the adjoining upland (wetland) area. We hope to have resolution on the issue fairly soon; remedial action would likely occur next summer.

I hope this is helpful.

Dan Hafley

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 12:00 PM



Subject: RE: Floragon

Dear Dan,


Thanks so much for this excellent update. I am curious if the potential creek restoration would include the Avison Mill one creek area which I believe you have indicated is still a problem area. What's going on with Mill One and the creek?




-----Original Message-----


Sent: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 16:04:31 +0000


Subject: Floragon

Susan –

A quick update on Floragon-Molalla activities:

DEQ has received a request to consider a no further action determination for the “SE Corner” of the Floragon site, which would include the two large mill buildings that remain present. The request is based on Floragon/Avison review of site data, indicating that soil and groundwater contamination in this part of the site, outside of the former dip tank area, does not exceed DEQ cleanup standards. They (Floragon) apparently have a number of parties interested in purchasing this portion of the site who would like to use the existing buildings. Use would be industrial. Under this approach, the former dip tank areas and Bear Creek would remain under DEQ consideration; we have begun discussion of “cleanup options” including sediment removal in a segment of Bear Creek nearest the dip tank area.

We have indicated to Floragon that there is some merit to the potential “carve out”, but that additional sampling is necessary to delineate dioxin contamination in the portion of the SE Corner closest to the dip tank area, and that a formal risk analysis would be necessary such as was done for the “Northern Parcels”. They have agreed, and this work is in progress. We will keep you appraised of site developments as they occur.

You may know that a large portion of the Floragon “Northern Parcels”, having received a NFA determination from DEQ, was recently sold to Tillamook Fiber for their ongoing wood fiber processing operation. As DEQ had a lien on the property, Floragon was required to pay all of our outstanding costs prior to sale/property transfer. I believe this was also the case with Business Oregon. I thought you would want to know.

Moving forward, I am envisioning that sediment removal and restoration in the Bear Creek segment near the former dip tanks will occur in 2015, in part because of the necessity for obtaining permits for the work. More discussion will be necessary regarding soil contamination remaining in the dip tank area. This area is area is generally covered by paving, however some of the paving is in fair to poor condition. Remedial options for soil are likely to be either in-place capping or excavation with off-site disposal.

I hope you find this information helpful.

