From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Wed Jan 06 14:13:30 2016
Subject: RE: Floragon SE Corner
Importance: Normal
Dear Dan,
Bear Creek Recovery would like to request a public hearing on this. I checked and dates at the Molalla Library are in short supply. I put our name on Wed. Jan 27 from 6-9pm. Would that work for DEQ? There are no dates the week of Jan 18 and any later would be too late for the comment period. We have been following these issues and would like a report about both the "clean" parts and progress on the contaminated parts.
Susan Hansen
riginal Message-----
Sent: Tue, 5 Jan 2016 23:21:32 +0000
Subject: Floragon SE Corner
Susan –
I wanted to let you know that public notice has been issued for a conditional no further action determination for the 16-acre southeast corner of the Floragon site, which includes the two large buildings remaining on site but does not include the former dip tank area and Bear Creek. We still expect that remedial action will be necessary in these remaining areas of the site that have not yet received closure. Also, in advance of issuing a NFA for the subject parcel, DEQ is requiring a commitment in writing from Avison Lumber Co. and Floragon Forest Products to complete dip tank area and Bear Creek remediation, as necessary, under DEQ.
Attached is a copy of the public notice for your consideration. Public comment is due by the end of the month. I have also included a copy of DEQ’s closure memorandum. If you would like figures and attachments for the memo, I can send separately via email and will post the documents on DEQ’s website
(a Google search of “DEQ ECSI 0009” webdocs” should lead you to the documents).
Daniel J Hafley, RG
Senior Project Manager/Hydrogeologist
Northwest Region Cleanup Section
Oregon DEQ
(503) 229-5417