From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Wed Jul 26 14:17:13 2017
Subject: RE: Floragon Dip Tank Area remedy and Bear Creek
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 025ecghb.JPG; 030ecghb.JPG; Back at you Dan. Wish I could send you the big files of the critters, that owl was first at that site in the dark taking a bath. Then it must have triggered the camera 12 times in the daylight, sitting by the edge, flying in, flying out and sitting there to dry. Here are a couple more of the great horned owl and bath time. Susan -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wed, 26 Jul 2017 20:55:07 +0000 To: Subject: RE: Floragon Dip Tank Area remedy and Bear Creek Susan – Thanks! I really appreciate your sharing the information and photos (in particular the owl), and appreciate that you and Bear Creek Recovery group wish the best for Molalla and the Bear Creek watershed. I hope to be contacting you soon to discuss potential dates and venues for a public meeting in early September. Respectfully, Dan Hafley From: Susan Hansen [] Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2017 10:37 AM To: HAFLEY Dan <> Cc: POULSEN Mike <>; DECONCINI Nina <>; SEIDEL Paul <> Subject: RE: Floragon Dip Tank Area remedy and Bear Creek Thanks Dan. You are excellent at providing requested information. Great job in keeping us informed! We really appreciate how honest and transparent you are about these issues. I own land on the Kaiser Creek watershed (the next watershed to the south of Bear Creek). I am monitoring my creek via a trail camera and the array of animals and birds that use local resources is stunning. We have many species of concern, including red legged frogs, bald eagles, Western bluebirds, peregrine falcons, acorn woodpeckers, etc. We also host deer, coyote, multiple species of owls, bobcat and cougar, and "lesser" species like raccoons, rabbits, gophers and insects/pollinators. Clean water is essential for all these species as well as for domestic animals and humans. They don't know what kind of water they drink when they wander from watershed to watershed. See attached for a couple of reasons my group and I work to protect and improve all our water resources - the number of species that use this little water hole on my land is stunning. It is not an abstract issue for my group, we are people who work to improve habitat and protect resources and we know humans are not the only things that need to be considered. We look forward to the coming hearing. Sincerely, Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wed, 26 Jul 2017 16:47:51 +0000 Subject: Floragon Dip Tank Area remedy and Bear Creek Susan – Sorry to have missed your questions; I am now back in the office. You are correct that any cleanup of Bear Creek on the Floragon site would need to consider the potential for recontamination, specifically from Bear Creek east of Molalla Avenue on the former Avison property. Fortunately, data from multiple sampling events with the Avison creek segment indicate that dioxins are generally below the cleanup standard of 120 parts per trillion. There is a slight exceedance at one location within the creek, that DEQ has indicated will require removal. Timing of that removal will have to be considered with respect to work in the Floragon Bear Creek segment. The potential for recontamination of the Floragon Bear Creek segment will absolutely be considered, and we can provide more information as cleanup plans for Bear Creek segments on both sites “mature”. Respectfully, Dan Hafley