From: HAFLEY Dan
Sent: Wed Apr 05 11:04:35 2017
Subject: RE: Floragon / Bear Creek NFA
Importance: Normal
Nina -
Thanks. Sorry to hear about your cold. My issue is seasonal migraines...ugh!
I noted in the email from Ms. Hansen to you that there was an air quality concern with respect to PAC Fiber. I'm assuming that this will be handled as a non-Cleanup issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: DECONCINI Nina []
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2017 11:01 AM
Subject: RE: Floragon / Bear Creek NFA
Thank you Dan! I hope you are feeling better. That cold packed a whollop! I had it two weeks ago.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: HAFLEY Dan <>
Date: 4/5/17 10:51 (GMT-08:00)
To: 'Susan Hansen' <>
Cc: JOHNSON Keith <>, DECONCINI Nina <>
Subject: RE: Floragon / Bear Creek NFA
Susan -
Thank you for the Molalla Pioneer news article, and sorry for the delayed response. I was out ill most of yesterday and wanted to take time to provide a thoughtful response to your question. We would not expect proposed expansion of the PAC Fiber "Enterprise Zone" to extend into any portions of the Floragon site where cleanup work has not been completed, including Bear Creek, the Dip Tank Area, or the 16-acre SE corner. We will do a little digging and confirm the extent of potential expansion and get back to you ASAP.
Regarding the status of Floragon site work, our current plan is to selected and implement a remedy for the Dip Tank area in 2017, likely late summer. This work has to be done prior to Bear Creek to ensure that there is no potential for recontamination of the creek, given that the Dip Tank Area is the source of both runoff and stormwater discharge to the creek. We expect Bear Creek work to occur in 2018, and will of course keep you appraised of developments, including any planning related to Bear Creek restoration work.
Dan Hafley
From: Susan Hansen []
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2017 9:32 AM
Subject: Floragon / Bear Creek NFA
Hi Dan,
Last we heard, there was still no approved mitigation plan for the Bear Creek area of Floragon. I just read that Pacific Fiber which is located on the northern part of Floragon is planning to expand to the "south" on Floragon. I assume that "south" is not the part of Floragon that you said DEQ would not approve for NFA until mitigation was approved and done? Please let us know where this stands. We requested a hearing when mitigation is proposed that DEQ accepts.
Susan Hansen
Bear Creek Recovery