From: HAMMOND Joni

Sent: Wed Feb 04 15:34:35 2015


Subject: RE: DEQ FAILURE to provide notice

Importance: Normal


Nina :





-------- Original message --------

From: DECONCINI Nina <>

Date:02/04/2015 4:33 PM (GMT-07:00)

To: HAMMOND Joni <>


Subject: FW: DEQ FAILURE to provide notice



I was just made aware. It’s really unfortunate but it was not intentional. David Monro is preparing a reply now and I’ll send a follow up to Susan with a cc to you afterward reiterating our apologies.



From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Wednesday, February 04, 2015 3:19 PM


Subject: DEQ FAILURE to provide notice

Dear Joni and Nina,


Last March, a group of Molalla residents requested DEQ hold a hearing about the application by Interfor Lumber plant on the east side of Molalla to become a major air polluter. In March, a hearing was held and a few of us testified. We NEVER got any notice about the outcome of our objections to having a major air polluter in our community. Today I called Dave Kauth who now said he is sorry that DEQ failed to provide those of us who gave testimony any notice of the outcome (of course, DEQ has rubber stamped this MAJOR air pollution permit, so now we have another source of local pollution).


Dave claims that someone named Edith McMorrine was supposed to do the notice to us but that she was "new" and dropped the ball. This was approved way back in August. It's certainly of concern that DEQ has so little respect for public input that it failed to inform those of us who took the time (knowing it was likely futile) to protest this permit. I'd be interested to know if there is any city or business that you refuse to issue a pollution permit to or should we just stop bothering to comment, knowing our concerns will fall on deaf ears and that our health and safety means less than the need to protect the money of cities and businesses


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery