From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Tue Oct 13 10:48:53 2015


Subject: Public transparency

Importance: Normal


Dear Nina and Joni,


A member of Bear Creek Recovery has raised the issue, as I already have with Joni, of why the public should not be able to observe the meetings and inspections conducted by DEQ.


For instance, tomorrow DEQ will tour the lagoons in Molalla and try to get questions about the validity of the lagoon leak test answered. Since the public pays for the work of DEQ and since we clearly have ongoing questions about whether or not the Clean Water Act is enforced in full, please start to consider reform at DEQ that would allow citizen observers at such inspections and meetings. Silent citizen observers would be beneficial for more in depth understanding about DEQ's work to protect our environment.


I already expressed that the recent meeting with Molalla and DEQ should have been done in public. We need transparency if we are to trust the work of the agencies we fund and for citizens to understand the issues facing their communities.



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery