From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
Sent: Thu Apr 23 12:33:52 2015
Subject: Proposed response for your review FW: Molalla Meeting
Importance: Normal
Hello Joni
I was just talking with Nina on follow up from last night’s meeting and I proposed to her, and now to you, that instead of trying to recreate what I said, I’d like to wait until the minutes or recording of the meeting is posted to the City’s website, listen or re-read the Council person’s question that I answered, and then clarify my response—so if the tape is hard to hear, I’ll hat least have a memory prompt that will help me fill in the blanks. If the recording isn’t posted, but minutes are and the question I answered was captured, I’d respond to it.
Hello Susan
Yes, I should have stepped up to the podium and I’m sorry that I neglected to when responding to Councilman Pottle’s question last night.
I don’t recall exactly his question and follow up question so what I will do is listen to the recording or minutes and provide any clarifications of what was recorded. I was not speaking from prepared notes so I do not have those to share.
I will be in touch with the city to get the recording/minutes and I will reply as soon as I can after reviewing those.
Please provide me feedback on the proposed message above.
From: Susan Hansen []
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:23 AM
Subject: Molalla Meeting
Dear Tiffany,
Because you did not use the microphone at the Molalla meeting last night until the very end of your comments, it was impossible to hear what you were telling the city council.
Could you please provide a brief outline of what you were saying last night after Nina turned the comments over to you? In the future if there are microphones in the room I would suggest that you use a microphone so everyone can hear what you are saying.
Susan Hansen