From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Thu Jul 13 12:14:27 2017

To: HUDDLESTON Dana; DECONCINI Nina; Richard Whitman


Subject: PIR filed July 13, 2017

Importance: Normal

Attachments: DEQ speech July 12 2017 F.docx; DEQ BCR WAIVER supporting document July 13 2017.docx;


Dear DEQ,


In anticipation a DEQ request for defense of Bear Creek fee waiver request for our request dated July 13, 2017, BCR is furnishing you with the attached documents, updated to reflect the attendance of BCR President Harlan and Vice President Susan Hansen at the EQC public comment in Portland Oregon on July 12. The attached speech was entered into the record of the EQC by Hansen and reflects the use of years of public information obtained by BCR. Informing the EQC of how the DEQ staff functions in relation to wastewater permit violations and the ability or inability of DEQ staff to effectively foster improvements in violating cities certainly meets the "in the public good" standard.


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery