From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Sun Nov 12 13:30:42 2017
To: DECONCINI Nina; BACHMAN Jeff; Richard Whitman; YELTON-BRAM Tiffany
Subject: Molalla's wastewater management fiasco and its budget
Importance: Normal
Attachments: molalla sewer budget 2017-2018.jpg; molalla sewer budget 2017-2018 (2).jpg; Dear DEQ officials, As you analyze the horrific Richwine report and prepare, what the concerned public expects should be a prompt, final and strong MAO, please consider the attached documents, copied from the City of Molalla's adopted 2017-2018 budget. As Molalla makes endless excuses and wants to be forgiven for its ongoing wastewater violations related to turbidity, suspended solids and lagoon capacity "emergencies", please note that in the 2017-2918 budget the city officials say that they cut the cleaning of the aeration basin at WWTP from the 2017-2018 budget, noting that capacity within the basin will be "further reduced". They also cut the replacement of the sewer line from Lola to 5th Street, saying that it was supposed to help control and remove I&I as "mandated by DEQ". The point is, as Molalla whines about needing long time frames to improve its wastewater management and wants to have its ongoing violations forgiven, it didn't even budget enough in 2017-2018 to make a small dent in the WELL KNOWN (and now totally confirmed by Richwine!) capacity and I&I problems! Bear Creek Recovery continues to participate to point out the long standing and long known problems with Molalla's wastewater management. When will DEQ produce binding solutions? Did DEQ know about these budget cuts - that the aeration basin capacity was going to be further compromised and that a sewer line replacement acknowledged as needed to improve I&I were cut from the budget? How can DEQ have looked the other way as major development occurred over the last several years while endless capacity "emergencies" were claimed and Molalla failed to listen to the "mandates" of DEQ? Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery