From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Thu Jul 13 10:04:56 2017
Cc: Richard Whitman;;
Subject: Molalla wastewater issues
Importance: Normal
Attachments: DEQ speech July 12 2017 F.docx; Dear Nina, Has DEQ written any official violation letter or email response regarding the May/ June 24 days of non-permitted discharge into the Molalla River and/or any official letter or email response to the July 5 meeting where Molalla requested permit modification and you discussed the pending MAO? I'm willing to write a blanket public info request often if DEQ fails to be open and transparent about documents, but it would seem more efficient use of DEQ staff time to know before I write the PIRs if there is anything to obtain - that way DEQ staff intake doesn't have to waste the time of staff looking for documents/emails that don't exist. I'm all about noting the waste of staff time equals a waste of public money and said so directly to the DEQ Commissioners yesterday in public comment (attached). But my group is all about full transparency - we have spent years working on compliance issues here and we refuse not to be fully informed about the progress or lack there of in regards to enforcement of the Clean Water Act and the potential MAO. It was stated in the notes I obtained from the July 5 meeting that DEQ should issue a prompt response to Molalla. If no response has yet been sent when do you expect to respond? Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery