From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Wed Sep 20 14:58:13 2017

To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; DECONCINI Nina; BACHMAN Jeff; Richard Whitman


Subject: Molalla spill into Bear Creek

Importance: Normal


Dear DEQ officials,


I found a post on Molalla Mayor Jimmy Thompson's page where he is claiming the spill into Bear Creek was no big deal. I hope you start to realize how much denial there is from Molalla "officials" and how little they tell their rate payers.


Jody Douglass Newland This may be a naïve question, but if it was fully treated wastewater, what does that mean? How would fully treated water impact the creek? Thanks.


· Reply · September 8 at 10:50am


imageMayor Jimmy Thompson, City of Molalla

Mayor Jimmy Thompson, City of Molalla The city generally discharges fully treated wastewater into the river between the months of November and May (I believe thats the time frame, could be off by a month). There is little to no impact at that time because of river flows.

The creek is a little different. I can not say for certain what the impact is Jody, but I know the treated water the city puts into the river is cleaner than the water the city takes out of it, and the city is following all reporting requirements while working with the regulating agencies to mitigate any impact it may have.