From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Thu Sep 14 09:26:00 2017


Cc: DECONCINI Nina; Richard Whitman; DONNELLY Jennifer

Subject: Molalla non-permitted discharge into Bear Creek

Importance: Normal


Hello Tiffany,


Molalla's home page has a notice about equipment failure at the wastewater plant that resulted in something like 15,000 gallons of treated wastewater being discharged into Bear Creek in Sept.


What equipment failed that resulted in that spill?


What was the rating of wastewater that was discharged? Was it Class A or was it lower?


Does DEQ have a detailed report from Molalla yet regarding this spill?


Has DEQ issued any notice yet to Molalla regarding this spill. Is this a Class One violation? If no notice has been written by DEQ when and how will this new violation be addressed?




Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery