From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Tue Mar 17 12:21:40 2015


Subject: Molalla issues: city council address and concrete asbestos pipe disposal

Importance: Normal


Dear Nina,


Per our conversation yesterday I want to formally ask to be notified as soon as you have a date to talk to the Molalla City Council. We are still waiting to hear about the needed hearing on the re-write of Molalla's discharge on Coleman Ranch, I assume that is on hold because there is no approved plan yet for Coleman via ODA and their Civil Penalty action. I got the notes from ODA from your January conference call.


I mentioned the concrete/asbestos pipes that Molalla was just forced to replace. Below is the link to the article and here's a part of the story:


“The current waterline on Stowers Avenue is Transite or otherwise know at asbestos concrete (AC), which is harmless when functioning as a buried watermain,” Cline said. “However, this AC watermain is nearing the end of its life cycle and has become brittle. This leads to increased leak repairs and pavement patchwork with a risk of AC exposure to the crew. It’s always in the best interest of the public to replace AC watermain when feasible.”


Given that quote, could you please check to verify that the pipe was properly disposed of - Cline says there is a risk of AC exposure in that quote. Link below.



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery