From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Thu Dec 24 09:53:04 2015


Subject: Molalla discharge into Bear Creek

Importance: Normal


Dear Nina,


I talked to Tiffany yesterday about the current violation where Molalla is discharging treated waste water into Bear Creek. Could you please clarify how these violations begin and end? I believe Tiffany said that once there was a period of no rain - I thought she said at least 8 hours of no rain - any need to continue to discharge into Bear Creek would be a new violation. I would like someone to tell me the exact rule on start and stop of each violation period and how DEQ is keeping track of periods when rain ends. Tiffany's voice mail indicated she will be out for a few days and I would appreciate an answer to those questions since we today are in a period of no rain and I hope someone at DEQ is keeping track?




Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery