From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Mon Jul 13 11:09:33 2015
Subject: Molalla and discharges into Bear Creek/ water in Bear Creek at old outfall site
Importance: Normal
Attachments: P1200777.jpg; P1180935.JPG; P1180924.JPG; Dear Tiffany, In summer/fall 2013 and 2014, Bear Creek Recovery and I have questioned why there is standing water in the outfall side of Bear Creek at the Molalla sewer plant in high summer/fall when Bear Creek is totally dry for miles upstream, including the upstream side of the bridge. We have sent numerous photos from the past two summers of flowing water in that outfall area when upstream Bear Creek is totally dry for miles. Not only is this 2007 report an example that Molalla clearly has ongoing alarm/pump/sewage spill problems, it clearly admits that there is a path for sewage from the plant to get into Bear Creek via the so called storm water pipe. Given all the sewer plant problems, it is difficult to trust that this "storm water" pipe is only used for storm water - it certainly managed to convey sewage into Bear Creek in this 2007 spill. My complaint is for DEQ to investigate/test that water that is in Bear Creek all summer in the dry season at the old outfall and conclusively learn why and how that water exists in the dry summer months when no storm water would be feeding Bear Creek. Again, we had been told that there was no way sewage related water could get to the creek at that outfall, yet this report clearly admits there is a way sewage can get into the creek at the old outfall. I attached a couple of photos (you have many from both 2013 and 2014 from us) to show the conditions at the Bear Creek outfall and upstream. Thanks for your work to protect our water resources. Sincerely, Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery