From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Thu Nov 30 11:02:55 2017
To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany; DECONCINI Nina; Richard Whitman; BACHMAN Jeff
Subject: MAO for Dec. 18 meeting with Molalla?b Importance: Normal
Dear DEQ,
We understand you will be meeting with Molalla on Dec. 18. What documents will you have prepared for that meeting? Is a new DEQ draft MAO available yet - if not please state when your next MAO will be drafted. Is there any DEQ feedback yet to Molalla regarding the Richwine report - if so, what was the date and if not when do you intend to respond to that report (or is the response expected to be the next draft MAO?).
It is offensive that DEQ fails to put proposed MAOs up for public comment, especially if the MAO in anyway changes the existing permit. Many people who are concerned about the growing inability of Molalla to conform to its permit are anxious to see what kind of MAO DEQ will propose in the face of the Richwine report.
Susan Hansen
Bear Creek Recovery