From: HAFLEY Dan

Sent: Mon Apr 24 14:26:47 2017


Cc: JOHNSON Keith; ORMAN Michael

Subject: FW: Tillamook Fibre - some photos and questions

Importance: Normal


Nina -


I appreciate Ms. Hansen copying me on the photos, which confirm my understanding of the nature of Tillamook Fiber activities at present. The property is zoned for industrial use, and unfortunately has residential housing in reasonably close proximity. From a Cleanup standpoint, I am not aware of anything going on at either the Tillamook Fiber or PAC Fiber operations that presents a threat to public health and the environment. Certainly there is a potential for dust generation during the drier months of the year from both facilities from wood fiber processing. After neighbors expressed concern about this issue during the last (Cleanup) public meeting, I passed on a referral to NWR Air Quality staff. I believe WQ is pursuing some water quality concerns with PAC Fiber regarding unauthorized runoff. If there is a Cleanup nexus, we are happy to step in provide support as needed.




-----Original Message-----

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Monday, April 24, 2017 2:07 PM

To: ORMAN Michael


Subject: Tillamook Fibre - some photos and questions


Dear Michael,


Thanks for the time on the phone discussing air quality concerns in the Molalla area.


Attached are the photos I took to send to Nina to show a partial view of the giant piles of sawdust/wood chips being created inside the Molalla city limits on the north part of the old Floragon mill site. It was empty for years. To the east of this operation is residential Molalla, to the north is Bimart, to the west is more residential including a very large apt. complex that will soon have an outdoor play ground very near the piles of wood shavings/ sawdust. The residents on County land directly to the south (in photos where there are buildings and animals) came to our January 2016 BCR meeting and complained to Dan Hafley of DEQ. He is copied on this email. Since they complained, this operation has grown in size and we were told at a city council meeting it is going to grow even larger.


Where will all the water come from to mitigate dust in hot weather?


Are there air emission issues from an operation like this?


Are the workers safe from dust.


Are any permits required that are not in place?


Thanks for you time, please note again this was just a quick photo shoot and it by no means shows the extent of the giant piles on site. Google map the site to see how large it is and that there are residences and businesses very near.



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery


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