From: HAMMOND Joni

Sent: Tue Sep 23 19:45:22 2014


Subject: FW: RE: I and I report for Molalla

Importance: Normal

Attachments: I& I-2013-report.pdf;


Tiffany and Nina:

I would to see a draft response for me to send tomorrow. I would like to send a reply back to Susan no later than Thursday morning.

I would also like to have a conversation about the allegations below.



From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 1:33 PM


Subject: FW: RE: I and I report for Molalla

Dear Joni,


We have ongoing concerns, as you know, about DEQ's failure to hold Molalla to the highest standards on their wastewater issues. Below is a message from Tiffany about this year's I&I report. First, in past years Molalla failed to even file a report - your employee Lyle questioned why two years of reports didn't get filed and Molalla wrote that it was short of money. Lyle actually accepted that excuse. This year a report was due in March and it was not filed on time because Tiffany noted that. Now Tiffany notes that whatever this is dated in 2013 isn't up to expectations.


So is this actually what was accepted for the March 2014 report? Or is it what was sent in 2013 and still no 2014 report has been filed as required in March 2014 because I see nothing in this package dated 2014. How many more chances does Molalla get with DEQ before it is REQUIRED to do things correctly? Why do years go by with DEQ accepting no or shoddy reports? Aside from the damage it does to the environment and to the failure to fix failing infrastructure, Molalla is an insult to all the cities that follow the rules and do things correctly. Not being able to afford to do things right is not an excuse. Loss of staff can't be an excuse.



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery

-----Original Message-----


Sent: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 01:12:13 +0000


Subject: RE: I and I report for Molalla

Hi Susan

I am attaching what they have sent to date. We are meeting with the new public works director, Jennifer Cline, next week and we’ve communicated expectations for future I&I reports that should provide more concise and thorough reporting.

The person who scanned it did it upside down. You may wish to print it and then arrange the pages for reading.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

Water Quality Source Control Section Manager

Water Quality Program, NW Region

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

2020 SW 4th Ave., Suite 150

Portland OR 97201-4987

desk 503 229 5219

mobile 503 975 0046

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 5:57 PM


Subject: I and I report for Molalla

Dear Tiffany,


I have made several requests to you about whether or not Molalla has filed an I and I report for this year. You had told me that it was not filed on time in March 2014 because they lost their public works manager. You also said recently you would check to see if it was submitted yet and would let me know. I would appreciate an answer - did they file an I and I report late or is it still not filed?



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery