From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Wed Jan 06 15:14:06 2016



Subject: FW: Re: Bear Creek wastewater discharge

Importance: Normal

Attachments: A0000000.html; 2015-12-04_letter_to_deq_respnse_to_warning_letter.pdf; A0000002.html; 2015-12-07_deq_letter_response.pdf; A0000004.html;


Dear Tiffany, here is the exchange we are questioning - it sounds like David Cole is giving them till August 2016. Please explain whether these are official or not - they are posted on the city website. Susan







>> From: Susan Hansen [ <>]

>> Sent: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 12:39 PM

>> To: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany


>> Subject: Bear Creek wastewater discharge




>> Dear Tiffany,


>> I failed to note exactly what the rule was about when a violation period would end and a new one might begin on the issue of Molalla's discharge of wastewater into Bear Creek. You mentioned there would have to be a certain period of dry weather and then if discharge had to continue or begin again it would trigger another violation. Could you please furnish the exact way that rule goes and tell me how DEQ keeps track of that issue of a period without rainfall?


>> Thanks,

>> Susan Hansen

>> Bear Creek Recovery


>> <Molalla-Final-Permit.pdf>
