From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Fri Oct 20 13:52:53 2017



Subject: FW: RE: Automatic reply: Sept 27 public records request: prrHansen5815

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Input Received:;


Dear Mr. Kron,


Attached is a pubic records request properly filed with DEQ on Sept. 27, 2017 by Bear Creek Recovery. I have made repeated requests that this request be honored and I have gotten nothing back but excuses from DEQ. I wish now to file a formal complaint against DEQ for not providing this information in a timely manner. I have many exchanges I can share asking DEQ when Bear Creek Recovery would get the information and DEQ has been non-responsive regarding a date certain for the information. This is now well beyond the suggested 10 working days.


Bear Creek Recovery has filed numerous public records request to DEQ over the past several years and it is our view that since spring of 2017 the requests are increasingly delayed.


Thanks for help on this matter,


Susan Hansen

Board of Bear Creek Recovery, a non-profit dedicated to protecting the environment


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 19:58:51 +0000


Subject: RE: Automatic reply: Sept 27 public records request: prrHansen5815


Dear Ms. Hansen,


Attached is your original request which DEQ received on September 27. While I can assure you that the agency is not stalling on providing the records you have requested, I would like to explain that as a manager, Tiffany has a very full schedule.


Thank you,


Dana Huddleston


Dana Huddleston | Public Record Requests Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

165 E. 7th Avenue, Suite 100, Eugene, OR 97401

541-687-7339 | 541-686-7551 fax


PUBLIC RECORDS LAW DISCLOSURE: This is a public record.  This e-mail is subject to the State Retention Schedules and may be made available upon request.



-----Original Message-----

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2017 12:33 PM



Subject: FW: Automatic reply: Sept 27 public records request


Dear Ms. Huddleston,


Please forward to me a copy of our Bear Creek Recovery Sept. 27 request so I can make a formal complaint to the DOJ regarding the clearly overdue request. There is no excuse for this, since it has been acknowledged by Ms. Yelton-Bram and we did everything asked in a timely manner on this request. It is our observation that DEQ may be stalling so that the public will not be privy to the ongoing problems between DEQ and the City of Molalla. Please note the below "response".


Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 19:26:42 +0000


Subject: Automatic reply: Sept 27 public records request



I am out of the office at the NetDMR training in Dend on October 18 and 19. I will then be at the Wastewater Operator Certification Advisory committee meeting on the 20th. I will return your message on the 23rd.


Thank you!

Tiffany Yelton Bram

Water Quality Source Control Manager

NW Regional Office

Oregon Dept.of Environmental Quality


503 229 5219

mobile 503 975 0046