From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Tue Feb 13 15:04:46 2018
Subject: FW: Questions about this posted Molalla document: molalla_wastewater_improvements.pathway_to_regulatory_compliance.pdf
Importance: Normal
Attachments: molalla_wastewater_improvements.pathway_to_regulatory_compliance.pdf; Dear Nina, Bear Creek Recovery requests a prompt answer to the questions below related to the attached document which Molalla has posted several places on its website. Tiffany is out sick. Please note that the "facts" in the posted document would affect how people view DEQ's work regarding bringing Molalla into compliance. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Mon, 12 Feb 2018 15:29:46 -0800 To: Subject: Questions about this posted Molalla document: molalla_wastewater_improvements.pathway_to_regulatory_compliance.pdf Dear Tiffany (or any other DEQ rep who can answer the questions), Attached is a newly posted online Molalla document that is supposed to inform about wastewater path to compliance. Some statements are made as factual about supposed mistakes in the permit and a post on the timeline to compliance features early on the 2018 timeline "2018 wastewater reuse in permit compliance / Recycled water reuse plan amendment" tag. Does DEQ accept as fact that there were "mistakes" made in the permit? Is it factual that there is a "Recycled water reuse plan amendment" being produce for Molalla and is DEQ in approval of any such "amendment"? If so, what is the name of this document? What is being amended and when? Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery