From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Mon Oct 09 11:45:01 2017
Subject: FW: public information request
Importance: Normal
Hi Tiffany,
I assume the below request is in the works?
Susan Hansen
Bear Creek Recovery
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 27 Sep 2017 14:54:47 -0800
Subject: public information request
Dear Nina and Tiffany,
Bear Creek Recovery made two recent email requests to understand what if anything had transpired recently regarding Molalla wastewater MAO/enforcement/violations, in hopes of narrowing our request for information. Since we received not response to our questions, a formal request was just filed for this information (note we only ask for information in the files of Tiffany and her notes and emails to narrow the search as much as possible):
Attn: Tiffany Yelton Bram
"Seeking all documents/letters/meeting notes/emails from Sept. 1- Sept 27 2017 related to work on enforcement of Molalla's wastewater permit, draft MAO, violations, lagoon leak test, meetings concerning Molalla's wastewater violations/ wastewater infrastructure in possession of Tiffany Yelton Bram that were not previously included in most recent public info that concerned discharge into Bear Creek (include anything not previously forwarded). Bear Creek Recovery as an affected stakeholder has a fee waiver on file. In the interest of speedy response, we ONLY request documents, notes, emails, letters, draft MAOs in the files of Tiffany Yelton Bram. "
Please also note that while DLCD responded that it did not in any way fund Molalla's coming wastewater infrastructure committee which has, per the city, been limited to ONLY people with interests inside the city limits (even though all the waste gets disposed of on rural lands), DEQ has not responded about whether it has in any way funded this highly restricted committee. We would appreciate knowing if any public funds/grants are being furnished to Molalla for that committee and is DEQ participating on the committee?
Susan Hansen
Bear Creek Recovery.