From: HAMMOND Joni
Sent: Mon Sep 19 08:32:32 2016
Subject: FW: Molalla's serious violations this summer - information attached re: violation 2016-PEN-1834
Importance: Normal
Attachments: 2016-PEN-1834.pdf; 16-0913 Molalla - Plaintiff Notification.pdf; Susan called and talked to me on Friday. I would like to speak with Nina (Tiffany too if you would like) before your meeting with Molalla. Here is the follow-up Susan sent. Joni From: Susan Hansen [] Sent: Friday, September 16, 2016 10:13 AM To: HAMMOND Joni Subject: Molalla's serious violations this summer - information attached re: violation 2016-PEN-1834 Dear Joni, To follow up on my phone call: Attached is the information about Molalla's newest violation, including the letter from Molalla's lawyer to our lawyer. This is on top of the work DEQ is doing for the violation for failing to do the lagoon leak test by the end of August - if you remember that is the second failure to do the lagoon test, August 20015 they failed and got a violation with the "opportunity to correct" this August which they have now failed to do per the "opportunity" given by DEQ. When do the "opportunities" to correct end and serious penalties happen? So far all we see are endless violations and zero consequences for Molalla. This is costing all Oregonians when the DEQ plays endless "opportunity" games with no end to the violations. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 18:50:31 -0800 To:, Subject: Molalla's serious violations this summer - information attached re: violation 2016-PEN-1834 Dear Pioneer, This summer Molalla continued to violate it's wastewater permit. See attached for information about a serious class 1 violation. DEQ indicates it will result in a penalty; per the terms of the Bear Creek Recovery consent decree the city had to transfer $26,000 into a designated fund devoted to biosolid removal or I&I. Bear Creek Recovery is curious to learn what fund the city had to take the money from to satisfy the consent decree. DEQ's Tiffany Yelton-Bram's department is also writing a violation regarding Molala's failure for the second year in a row to perform a lagoon leak test, another violation of its permit. Tiffany and Nina DeConcini, NW DEQ regional director, will be at the Sept. 28 Molalla City Council meeting, per their request to Mayor Rogge, to outline DEQ's concerns about Molalla. Bear Creek Recovery hopes the Pioneer takes an interest in this so the people of Molalla can understand the ongoing problems. DEQ does not come to city council meetings if things are going well. Feel free to contact me if you need more information. Tiffany and Nina can be contacted at "YELTON-BRAM Tiffany" <>, "DECONCINI Nina" <>, Sincerely, Susan Hansen, Bear Creek Recovery 503-829-6818