From: HAMMOND Joni

Sent: Mon Jul 13 15:34:25 2015



Subject: FW: Molalla Overflow Investigation Report

Importance: Normal

Attachments: A0000000.html; 15-0702 Letter to Cole (Overflow Investigation Report).pdf; A0000002.html; P1200777.jpg;




-----Original Message-----

From: Susan Hansen []

Sent: Monday, July 13, 2015 12:39 PM


Subject: Molalla Overflow Investigation Report


Dear Joni,


I just received this report about Molalla's raw sewage spill. What is disturbing is the delay in reporting to DEQ that sewage reached the creek. I find the interactions between public work staff in Molalla questionable to put it politely. It is one thing to have a problem but failure to promptly disclose the WHOLE STORY is not acceptable.


Please compare this incident with the 2007 spill - at least the plant operator had the courage to tell the whole truth immediately to DEQ. Otherwise, it seems little progress has been made in creating a sewage treatment plant with procedures and alarm systems that can be trusted.


I will be very interested to see what DEQ does about this recent "incident". Also note that until I asked 9 or 10 days after the spill about notification of neighbors there was no notification. It was only triggered after I wrote to Tiffany to say that downstream neighbors on a shallow well had not been notified. As with the E.coli lack of notification, I believe DEQ failed on notification. I just talked to the Oregon Health Authority about that E.coli issue and OHA rep agreed DEQ should have notified the community about E.coli counts in Creamery Creek. Apparently in the spill, DEQ didn't even bother to question Molalla about direct notification until I raised the issue.



Susan Hansen

Bear Creek Recovery