From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Tue Aug 15 11:45:06 2017
Subject: FW: Input Received:
Importance: Normal
Attachments: - Entries.csv; Hello, I hope there will not be a long delay on the below request. This should be simple to furnish. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: 15 Aug 2017 11:27:21 -0700 To: Subject: Input Received: Submitted: 8/15/2017 11:27:05 AM Requester Information Please provide us with contact information for your request. Name Susan Hansen Company Bear Creek Recovery non-profit Address PO Box 50 , Molalla 97038 United States Phone (503) 789-7179 Email Request Information Tell us about the information you are requesting. How would you like to receive your request? Electronic Copies Departmental Routing Select... If this is regarding an enforcement action, you are required to provide a case name and number. This request is made on behalf of: Program (if known) Water Quality Permit/Inspection Site Address and Location Information: An address is required for information on specific sites. For onsite/septic requests, you must provide a township, range and section. Multiple addresses for site? Site Type Select... Site County Select... Township Range Section Tax Account/Lot # Subdivision Records Requested 1. The most recent draft Mutual Agreement and Order (updated after the March 2017 draft) proposed by DEQ for the City of Molalla (said draft now includes, per Tiffany Yelton-Bram, notice of penalty for May-June 2017 non-permitted discharge into the Molalla River). 2. Copy of the 2017 lagoon leak test report from Molalla and any DEQ written feedback to Molalla regarding said test - DEQ feedback to include any written documents to Molalla BEFORE the test was attempted in 2017 and any feedback about the results. Bear Creek Recovery is a for the public good non-profit that shares information widely and request a fee waiver. Fee waiver documents are on file, request a new copy if necessary.