From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Wed Aug 30 16:20:35 2017
Subject: FW: Input Received:
Importance: Normal
Attachments: - Entries.csv; DEQ BCR WAIVER supporting document updated August 30, 2017.docx; Dear Nina and Tiffany, Please forward the attached fee waiver request information to the proper DEQ department. There is no provision for filing this document along with the below request filed today. In the hope of speeding up response time, I have provided an updated fee waiver request - see attached. Please send the proper address to forward this document for future requests. Also, I contacted Mr. Kron at the DOJ today regarding time frames considered reasonable for agencies to fulfill requests. He noted there is no hard and fast rule but said: "We have said (again in the Manual) that we think ten working days should be sufficient for most requests most of the time." Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: 30 Aug 2017 15:19:45 -0700 To: Subject: Input Received: Submitted: 8/30/2017 3:19:28 PM Requester Information Please provide us with contact information for your request. Name Susan Hansen Company Bear Creek Recovery non-profit Address PO Box 50 , Molalla 97038 United States Phone (503) 789-7179 Email Request Information Tell us about the information you are requesting. How would you like to receive your request? Electronic Copies Departmental Routing Select... If this is regarding an enforcement action, you are required to provide a case name and number. This request is made on behalf of: Program (if known) Water Quality Permit/Inspection Site Address and Location Information: An address is required for information on specific sites. For onsite/septic requests, you must provide a township, range and section. Multiple addresses for site? Site Type Select... Site County Select... Township Range Section Tax Account/Lot # Subdivision Records Requested Attention Tiffany Yelton-Bram Requesting: 1. A copy of Molalla's most recent response to DEQ's most recent draft MAO. 2. DEQ's August 14 letter to Molalla: DEQ's response regarding Molalla's most recent MAO proposal. 3. All notes taken and any reports filed by Nina DeConcini, Tiffany Yelton-Bram and Jeff Bachman generated by the July 25 meeting between DEQ and Molalla. Also please provide a copy of any agenda connected to said meeting if such an agenda was used at the July 25 meeting. Bear Creek Recovery, an environmental non-profit, requests a fee waiver. BCR shares the results of public information requests with the public via letters to editor, input to news reporters, addresses at meetings, including city council meetings, a member email list, a FB page and a webpage as well as other methods. A formal fee waiver document will be sent shortly.