From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Mon Feb 13 12:22:34 2017


Subject: FW: DEQ response to the leak test

Importance: Normal

Attachments: ReviewMolalIaLagoonLeakageTestReport.pdf;


Dear Nina and Tiffany,


Please note that the DEQ letter attached was dated Dec. 6, 2016 and gave Molalla a 60 day window to submit a test well plan. Has anything been submitted to date, it is now over the 60 day deadline and as of today it is 69 days since you issued this:


"Therefore we ask that groundwater be monitored to ascertain if the lagoons pose a threat to groundwater. We request that the City ofMolalIa submit a groundwater monitoring plan for the treatment plant within 60 days. The plan should identify the location and number of monitoring wells needed to determine the direction ofgroundwater flow in the upper aquifer, and to determine if the Treatment plant is causing an adverse impact on existing or potential beneficial uses of groundwater. Our records indicate that one small monitoring well was installed at the treatment plant in 1999. Please propose a timeline to develop and implement the plan."



-----Original Message-----


Sent: Sat, 10 Dec 2016 00:05:13 +0000


Subject: FW: DEQ response to the leak test



Attached is the letter we sent to the city. We also sent it hard copy. I have not received confirmation that the city received the letter but our email system confirmed that it was sent to their server.


From: YELTON-BRAM Tiffany

Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 4:11 PM

To: 'Gerald Fisher'; Dan Huff (Molalla)

Cc: BAILEY Randall; COLE David

Subject: DEQ response to the leak test

Hello Gerald and Dan,

Attached is a scan of the letter we are sending you with our response to the leak test. Once you’ve read it, please let me know if you have questions and would like to discuss the letter.

Tiffany Yelton Bram

WQ Source Control Manager

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600

Portland OR 97232

Desk 503 229 5219

Mobile 503 975 0046