From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Wed Jan 14 12:10:29 2015
To: Kevin Fenn;; DECONCINI Nina; HAMMOND Joni
Subject: FW: Coleman Ranch Public Records Request
Importance: Normal
Attachments: A0000000.html; Bear Creek Lower WQ Sample.pdf; A0000002.html; Bear Creek Upper WQ Sample.pdf; A0000004.html; Creamery Creek WQ Sample.pdf; A0000006.html; DEQ Email.pdf; A0000008.html; Feyrer Park Road WQ Sample.pdf; A0000010.html; Scanned CP Cvr Ltr.pdf; A0000012.html; Scanned CP.pdf; A0000014.html; Scanned NON(2) Cvr Ltr.pdf; A0000016.html; Scanned NON(2).pdf; A0000018.html; Unnamed Lower WQ Sample.pdf; A0000020.html; Unnamed Upper WQ Sample.pdf; A0000022.html; Dear ODA and DEQ, Thanks for your continuing joint efforts to protect the water quality in the local Molalla watersheds. Per the attached reports, it is clear that Creamery Creek at Mathias Road is still the E.coli hot spot. As was noted last summer, Creamery Creek leaves the Coleman Ranch and flows as an open channel through Molalla neighborhoods. We hope your work will now include not only mitigation of the E.coli source but notification to the citizens of Molalla that there may be a problem with Creamery Creek in the city. DEQ has been flagged as the agency responsible for Creamery Creek water quality once it leaves Coleman Ranch. To date, there has been no public notification of this problem. We also hope DEQ and ODA look closely at the issue of wastewater discharge on manure filled fields. Setbacks from the streams have been ignored for years and DEQ has been provided with ample evidence of Creamery Creek and Bear Creek receiving recycled wastewater. With discharge season coming in a few months, this problem of overspray and/or recharging of the creeks needs to be addressed. Sincerely, Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery -----Original Message----- From: Sent: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 09:32:57 -0800 To: Subject: Coleman Ranch Public Records Request Below is the response regarding your public records request dated January 9, 2015. We are able to waive the fee if it is under $25 regardless of non-profit status. All documentation is available and if the documents are emailed rather than copied, the fee is $15. Given the fee is under $25 it will be waived, but we will not be determining the non-profit status of your organization at this time. Attached are the documents you requested: We have had no written correspondence from the Coleman Ranch. Renita J McNaughtan Administrative Assistant Agricultural Water Quality Management Program Oregon Department of Agriculture 503-986-4779