From: Susan Hansen
Sent: Tue Sep 08 09:22:27 2015
Subject: FW: Bear Creek Recovery Clean Water Act lawsuit settlement information
Importance: Normal
Attachments: BCR press release settlement.docx; [33] Final Consent Decree.pdf; Dear DEQ, On Friday this press release was issued regarding the settlement of Bear Creek Recovery's lawsuit against Molalla over violations of the Clean Water Act. As you will note, Molalla will now have more legal standards to meet and the public will have a transparent look at all filed records. My observation, after devoting over three years of volunteer work on this, is that DEQ needs to do a much better job holding cities in Oregon to the Clean Water Act. The City Council of Molalla is debating whether to raise its sewer user rates - they have not been raised since 2009,. yet one City Councilor said he was opposed to raising rates because "we should live within our means". My point about the City Council's "debate" is that DEQ apparently still has not done enough outreach for the leaders of Molalla to understand that it is increasingly costly to meet the standards of the Clean Water Act, especially since DEQ looked the other way as things like I&I were ignored for years. Susan Hansen Bear Creek Recovery