From: Susan Hansen

Sent: Mon Apr 27 09:36:37 2015


Subject: FW: Automatic reply: Updated recycled water plan for Coleman Ranch

Importance: Normal


Dear Nina and Joni,


Joni indicated in a Tuesday phone conversation last week that Tiffany would send the exact part of the Molalla recycled water plan for Coleman Ranch that we will be having a hearing on April 30. I have still not received that promised information and sent the below email to Tiffany this morning - she is obviously not going to be able to reply in time. Please have someone send that promised information. Thanks, Susan Hansen, Bear Creek Recovery


-----Original Message-----


Sent: Mon, 27 Apr 2015 15:18:01 +0000


Subject: Automatic reply: Updated recycled water plan for Coleman Ranch



I am out of the office April27th through April 30th. If this is urgent, please call the NW Regional office reception (503 229 5263) and asking to speak with the WQ Duty Officer or the manager acting for me while I'm gone:

4/27 Steve Mrazik (503 229 5379)

4/28 Christine Svetkovich (503 229 6991)


On the 29th and 30th, I will be checking e-mail and my phone more frequently and may be able to reture your message.


Otherwise, I will reply to your message when I return on May 1st.

Thank you!


Tiffany Yelton Bram

Water Quality Source Control Manager

NW Regional Office

Oregon Dept.of Environmental Quality


503 229 5219

mobile 503 975 0046