From: HAFLEY Dan
Sent: Fri Jan 31 12:26:31 2014
To: 'Susan Hansen'
Subject: Floragon - Northern Parcels
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Floragon_kv0.tmp; Susan – A reminder that public notice of DEQ’s proposed no further action decision for the northern portion of the Floragon site (excluding Bear Creek and the former dip tanks areas) begins tomorrow, and will extend through February 2. You should have seen notice of the proposed decision in this last week’s edition of the Molalla Pioneer. A copy of DEQ’s closure memorandum supporting the NFA decision is available on DEQ’s ECSI website (#0009). To view the closure document and attachments, go to, then enter 0009 in the Site ID box and click “Submit” at the bottom of the page. Next, click the link labeled 0009 in the Site ID/Info column. Please let me know if you have any problems accessing this information. Work is ongoing in the southern site and Bear Creek. We hope to see the human health and ecological risk assessments for these areas in the next few months. Respectfully,